Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess

there’s also a difference between a useless post trying to appear like it’s doing something, which is what i was pushing you for, and a post clearly not meant to do anything, which you were pushing me for

there’s a difference

post sent early oops
there’s a difference in how AI each of those are, and i really don’t think the latter at all was AI especially this early in the game

So I was thinking about other ways I could improve while driving home and I think I’m going to make an attempt to put more thought into the things I say, and have a better idea of what I actually intend to accomplish with each post and if posting something actually helps

I’m very impulsive so it’s going to be a difficult learning curve to not just post, but my pace and content should Probabaly change slightly

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why is this scummy

It hasmt even been 12h and im already doubting wvery read ive made thusfar lol

Sulit remains a villager

But everyone else my brain goes ‘aaaaaaaaa what if??’


‘what if i was right at first and now im talking myself out of it bc im stupid’

Its one of thwm games


Talk with me about them then that helped in Jojo’s in that neibiurhood

I cant rn im about to drive

Will when im home sorry

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Im going back to my roots


/vote WindwardAway

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Let me know when you are if you want.

Happy driving

This makes me unbelievably angry everytime you say it because I’ve given an example

Please tell me why it matters

You looked at my post on kats opener and said it was useless when It indicated I townread her so :joy_cat: idk to trust your idea of useless

Thia isn’t only thing

Is this based on their early game.

Disliked their “early reads are bad” post.

Yes still not quoting you get readable sentences or quotes not both

It’s not even ai but irs so annoying when I give a read of any substance and you respond with give proof haha example (TO EVERYTHING) because almost nobody else does

Aka let me be lazy

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Am sorry :hugs:
I know am somewhat guilty for that just makes it easier for me to read you

If I have time tonight I’m going look more into Marshal, I’m generally decent at reading him and Iv had a few pings I want to look further into

It’s okay

Dont apologize over it because its probably like actually a good thing to do and I’m really lazy

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psst her*

My bad, I’m tired