Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess



If multiple wolves have darkvote adding abilities i could

It depends on how many darkvotes wolves can add as i can infinitely shift a certain unclaimed number of votes off of me and onto somoene else at eod

this is my only ability so i have no reason not to use it every night

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also my vibe

stop trying to paint me as a compulsive busser when i’m not
i’ve randed scum like a dozen times since coming back and i’ve bussed low single digits

i much prefer to GET bussed so i dont have the stress of losing after bussing someone

it’s also directly insulting because it implies i can’t powerwolf and work as a team which we both know is false

like one of the few wolfgames i’ve lost since coming back was lost BECAUSE of someone constantly bussing when i told them to not and it irritates me being compared to that

(both mist and night were in the game)
i do not want to wolf with that player again for that exact reason

which game was that idr


okay now this is just getting extremely irritating
i’m out


you are probably literally the only person who thinks this

arete has mechanical info on you and i’d MUCH rather you hard out BEFORE Arete has a chance to die so you can make your claim fit their info

okay but this implies i cant thunderdome arete and win

you can’t

and you know you can’t
arete is townier than chloe

(both are town but if were talking confidence, arete is the towniest player in this game by far)

i don’t think literally anyone thinks this but you ngl

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im pretty sure even arete would call you insane for saying it

I mean I am also more confident in me being town than in Chloe being town
