Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess

I need a vc

what i care about is L-2
but i’m not even at L-3 so let’s just ignore this whole conversation

im p sure the votes haven’t even changd

Voted Voters Number of Votes
ATNoName Zone, Eli, Katze, Gorta 4/8
Derps Chloe, Nightingale, Marshal 3/8
Marshal AtNoName, Sulit, Marl 3/8
Eli Mist, Derps 2/8
Katze Arete 1/8
Arete Jane 1/8
Not Voting PKR 1

@ me for new votes and mistakes or u get no more votecounts.

~30 minutes remain

Are my reads out of touch?

No, it is the children who are wrong

/vote katze



I come bearing gifts. well, gift.

Namely, a really really obvious wolf I’ve been railing at you guys to yeet from the sidelines. Think it’s probably a spectator thing - game always seems more complicated than it is from the inside. I think this setup is kind of designed to make people more paranoid than they need to be.

Anyway, I’ve read about 20% of the game. Probably not gonna have time to read all of it, but the bulk of my time will be spent sorting the middle part of this list:





Night, Chloe, and Jane are like 95-99% villagers here. Not gonna go too in depth on this, although I anticipate having to whack a few people’s hands away from Jane with a newspaper.

Eli is like, preeeeetty much a lock wolf. Look at the EoD1 and EoD2 vote counts, see where his votes landed, see his post count, and see his general attitude this game. Sorry Eli :confused: Wish we could have villaged it up again.

People who’ve been saying stuff along the lines of “If Eli were w why would he keep playing like this” which off the top of my head I’ve seen Derps and Zone make arguments like that, you’re letting a wolf off the hook for no reason. He’s playing like this because of some combination of a) it’s working and b) he’s actually somewhat burnt out. Idk how true b) is but that’s the holistic feel I get from his posts.

Anyway, if y’all actually want to get a redflip today, let’s start there.

Kind of wanting to sheep several kat v reads I’ve been seeing - I don’t think I’m super good at reading kat but my gut says v for kind of… thread presence-y reasons. I’ll try to firm that up at some point today.

But yeah, I think this game is really truly just as easy as yeeting Eli and then finding the one town in [gorta, sulit, Marl]

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theres ur meme now can we kill eli

Legacy post:

Not gonna write something huge - my reasoning for all of this is in my ISO.


I am obviously villager. I’m dying tonight pretty much always, so glgl.

Windward is flipped mafia. You’re welcome.


Chloe is still always a villager here, for reasons having to do with their approach to my slot.

Mistyx is always a villager here, for oddball thinking, lack of a wolf agenda, and volume.

Katze is always a villager here, for pure solving, my meta read, and genuinely having a tunnel on his perception of bad players but holding themselves back

Marl is always, always a villager here, for massively clearing interactions with flipped mafia Wind.

Gorta is always a villager here, for their approach to Wind / me, plus we tracked down some of his posts last night and he just doesn’t go to a wolf! Gorta place with them. Call it a meta read, but it’s super solid.

Eli is probably a villager here, for their tone, their thought process, and those posts I quoted recently. Hands off. There are several lynches that would need to flip that contradict our worldview for this lynch to even be on the table, and you all need to keep this read in mind especially if we’re generally correct with future lynches. Townshield, stay the $%#! off.

Nightingale is very probably a villager, because her D1 matched a mental map of a frustrated, wrong villager who can’t quite give up even in the face of the game not being that fun. She’s also cleared by quite a few people flipping w, and the teams she could be on at this point are very, very limited.


Arctic is a nonentity, hopefully they’ll start posting.

Zone is in the same boat, for all intents and purposes.


Ignoring the probable replacements, our kills should be in this group.

I just haven’t been able to get a grip on Sulit, for whatever reason. They’ll have to be your future problem.

PKR is whatever. I don’t think the mason thing was a partner thing, personally. Gun to my head, villager. Probably always a PoE lynch unless they change their game. I’d lynch a lot of other slots first.

App has given up, and is probably a wolf. (I would probably go App instead of Wind here, but I’m driving toDay.)

Derps is a wolf, has always been a wolf, and will always be a wolf, and we’re lynching him toDay.

Jane is PoE at this point, but GH and I agree with whoever said he’s looking more like a conviennet prop for wolves to place their vote than a wolf himself.

Arete’s vote pattern D1 means he never makes it to endgame. I don’t care how much you all like his #words as the game goes on, I don’t even care if you don’t lynch him right away. Do. Not. Let. Him. Endgame. I’ll gladly take $%#! for it postgame if I’m wrong here, but do this.

If you guys generally follow this pattern and the mislynches start to pile up, stick with the plan, there are enough lynches in here to stay the course without looking outside this group. We really believe that this POE has a number of the wolves. Keep future developments into account obviously, but this is the framework.

glgl village. Don’t $%#! this up.

All three are town I think

Haha dumb soft go brrr.

I saw your explanation for voting Wind, so I thought it was weird that you didn’t explicitly mention it when voting Derps.

Not scummy, just WeirdChamp™

you’d like to think so wouldn’t you
actually i have my reasons for voting worse :tm:
not to mention his replacement is about to get lynched

i dont understand the source material and it saddens me to be out the loop

but i understand this one


okay gtg

night how did we have the exact same idea with different games


Mafia was created by Dimitri Davidoff in 1986. Since then, there have been tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands Mafia games played throughout the world, in IRL, Forums, Video, Voice chat and more.

From all of these millions, billions, and even trillions Mafia games, there has not been a single town who has been more towny than Marshal has been this game. Take that scumread back and be ashamed of yourselves.

You left out marshal

dude its not even EoD2 yet how did you not notice that that was a pasta

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it’s largely the miller claim, + I haven’t been able to find reasons to socially clear her when normally I’d at least be able to be like ‘katze is >rand V,’ + some of how she’s handled claim stuff today, + she’s had questionable progression in a few spots (I’ve already talked about this), + Arctic had her as a scumread and no one cares about the read, wolves sometimes make kills on people who were wrong in order to push agenda but no one is using her death to actually push an agenda

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because i’ve never seen that pasta before