Revenant needs to go

I’m 100% serious. It really depends on what your job is. Are you the host or the player? The host is just there to ensure the most fun is had. Obviously, they are biased. The player is there to ensure that the game goes well, some players have inherint trolliness in them that make them lovely to play with.

You do realise you’re just allowed to disallow specific classes from rolling, right?

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also nobody’s gonna know if you secretly reroll the classlist

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Wisdom of the Mod is a great asset

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You could but 87% of players would prefer to remove it and that seems like a pretty firm BIN IT if I ever saw one.

I’d rather have it as an opt in for hosts who specifically say that revenant is being included and assume there is no revenant.

you could make a big ol list in the OP of every possible class

Reventius Deletius


why not do every single ability in OP while we’re at it

but srsly, when the overwhelming majority want to remove the class from rotation it seems silly not to


Wouldn’t it be sick if an Herbalist defiled a Revenant N1 and they came up as something innocuous like BD Phyisican or something?

Then the Revenant never said a word the entire game, 3 confirmed BD get to the final day and look at each other and go “wtf”

Then see a Revenant win screen the following day.

This would be the only reason I would want to keep this class. To see this happen.

I got a very fun game idea :^).

3 revenants and 13 citizens

How can that happen n1? And morning announcement about revenant presence.

Let me dream :triumph:

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Disguise it was like the Hyponist

I think if it were to be rebalanced, the player should be notified when the Revenant leaves their body and make it so Revenants cannot return to players they already have inhabited. At least you’d be able to narrow it down a bit with that and allow some sick fakeclaims to happen.

But, in all seriousness, In Basic online multiplayer games created by companies, when there is something incredibly unhealthy for the game and how its affecting the people playing it, people tend to stop playing. Leaving the Revenant out and not fixing it, is honestly a terrible idea, as its just sitting there and it becomes a rotten corpse. LoL is a good example, there are some champions and design stand points that has made LoL during certain periods terrible to play, because of soemthing broken and incredibly Unhealthy (Ex. Ardent Censor Meta). It has a cool design, and imo, it should be reworked into the Lich, Which is more balanced and healthy for the game and everyone in general, or removed until there is something that could potentially make the Revenant healthier for the game.

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no one gonna believe my hash tags anymore I cri

but then how would we lynch the survivor.

If it had 0 effect on gameplay and it was just a little minigame one guy had of trying to figure out who is likely to survive i wouldn’t mind it.


But if our compromise is to only join games where Revenant cannot roll, is that really better for anyone?

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