Revenant needs to go

I think it’s about time.

It’s a fun concept that I personally used to really like, but actually playing with and against it has been nothing but a nightmare. It’s not balanced, it’s not fun, and it only leads to people hating games they should be enjoying. Almost everybody I’ve talked to seems to agree, so I think it’s for the best that we get rid of it for good.

Should we remove Revenant?

  • Remove it!
  • Keep it!

0 voters

Feel free to explain your thoughts below.


Remove it after i played it thx


I mean tbh I think it’s fun to play as but not fun to play with

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Yeah bcs of that remove it after i played it

The only safe way to make them get rid of it is to not join any games till it’s removed :wink:

  • Great idea
  • Also a great idea!

0 voters

I mean we could always rework Rev

Quick editz!

No proof

That’s cuz you are a Herbalist!

Who used defile

Imo spirtualist will never be balanced as it’s not rng to the person playing it but it can be complete rng to get rid of as people won’t understand others as well and the fact that they could say nothing and it would be pure rng.

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Yeah but why

There’s no reason we need so many NKs and reworking/nerfing it once already hasn’t really helped

It’s just unfun to play against as every game it has ever been in has sucked.


Flavor wise it is amazing

But it doesn’t introduce any meaningful gameplay besides blind luck and WIFOM.


I don’t even get the point of the Revenant being able to talk to both the living and the dead.

Like, why? Every Rev post is considered spam and ignored. It’s just white noise and adds to the post count (which has been getting ridiculous lately due to massive amounts of memeing)


I don’t even get the point of the Revenant being able to talk to both the living and the dead.

Like, why? Every Rev post is considered spam and ignored. It’s just white noise and adds to the post count (which has been getting ridiculous lately due to massive amounts of memeing)


The Revenant has earned a special place in Forum hell imo.

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I want to keep it so im adding it to all my bastard games if its removed

(Im joking I actually hate it but its so trolly to watch that its fun as a host)

So you should change your vote to “remove it” then.

Its fun to watch as a host though, seeing the children’s despair when they realize a revenant exists

I just hosted a game with two Revenants

It’s really not

Please vote seriously, thank you.

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