Revenant needs to go

Nope. The vote wasn’t passed

Ultimate’s tournament no.

lol really why

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That actually sucks.

Broken classes =/= skill

Bayo boosted some competitive players to the scene and I find that unfair

Because the power gap wasn’t quite large enough. Meta Knight was more OP than Bayonetta by far

Did you see the Smash Ultimate tournament.

Specifically MkLeo’s bayo

Sakurai was disappointed even


Never followed competitive Smash so I’m not exactly knowledgeable but I’ve heard so many complaints about both lol

People complained about her. That’s why there even was a vote in the first place

That was disgusting

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Except it just proves that revenant is findable and not as broken as it used to be.

Just scum was making wierd plays instead of eliminating it.

but still broken enough to be worth removing


Bayo is awful in smash. I hate her so much


Bayo Corrin and Cloud were all nightmares when they first launched

Luckily nobody I knew was good enough at Brawl to make Meta Knight absurdly broken


But wow we’re getting off topic let’s stop that lol

Still worth to be tested tbh.

Not classes fault that scum was stupid enough to not lynch it.

Scum didn’t know, they were guessing and happened to be right. You can pretend you can read the mind of the Revenant all you want but it is luck in the end.
Additionally, it wasn’t like they could hang one of their own (lol wait) just to try to kill the Rev.

Revenant is basically praise RNG and see if you could get him .-.

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Let’s play a game really quick, Eevee.

I’m going to pick four numbers: 6, 19, 4, 50

I’ve chosen one of those as my special number and wrote it down on my word doc. Try to figure out which number I chose.

I’ll give you some hints:

  1. My brother’s birthday is on March 6th.
  2. I particularly like even, round numbers.
  3. The love of my life broke up with me when I was 19.
  4. Finding the Rev is 100% WIFOM without objective feedback.
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Is it 6?

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