Revenant needs to go

No - Rev is poorly executed, Lich has better potential


It does still need testing and balancing, but main issues were already adressed, so I’m happy with it more or less for now

Stalker is a fine NK, but TOS have pretty much abandoned it - for good reason.

Stalker was NE on ToS tho.

It kills lol.

Point is, I’m done with rev

Stalker was never killing. It was preventing visits. Lel

Remove the revenant.
Case 1:
If Revenant doesn’t talk, finding them by reading is impossible. Classes you can’t kill by lynching suspect people are horrible.
Case 2:
Searching for Revenant is a pain because you might have to lynch in good people for the sole reason of maybe finding Revenant. And if not you lose a good town class, AND the revenant is still able to kill every night.

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That case is one and same tbh.

Plus finding revenant is actualy possible now.

Did none of you actualy looked at the rework?

We did, but it is still not fun.

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The biggest issue with Rev is that it punishes correct play.

Who cares if you found the Revenant but it hosted inside the Prince? What is BD going to do? Execute the Prince on a whim since Prince can’t be occupied and comes up killer anyway? Scum can’t get through the protective barrier either.

The Revenant forces teams into lose-lose situations if it isn’t dealt with immediately in the beginning of the game.

I just went through the Forum Matches and Revenant has won every game it’s been in lol

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Except TFOL

What is TFOL?

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It still has a stupid high win-rate for a NK, though.


Throne of Salem?


Wolfy and Pug’s Tourney thing

This is fine from a hosts perspective
Not from a players perspective

If the host lets it roll, it can singlehandedly ruin the game for everyone

And people (as evidenced by the poll) do not want to play with the Revenant

So it should be removed Imo


Well im now adding Revenant to my game

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Then don’t let it :thinking:

Then what’s the point of having it if nobody wants to use it?

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It’s such a pity becasue I really love the concept of the Revenant but it needs a GINORMOUS rework if it could ever work. And that rework would very simply be binding the revenant to a specific scum class that people can read for.

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