Revenant needs to go

Nothing relevant, everything revenant.


Then disable that option, not single game has this class ever again - since it’s taking up space as spot for NK then I see no reason they should stay,

Well they still allow to use words from dead scum and get one NK hanged.

Take that back :yum:

Not just “forcing” them to talk through forcing them to make posts, rather making it seem as posting is actualy beneficial for them.
That needs another rework for that tho.

I think avoiding knight is strong - plus who cares if your host is not permy-immune - the game has limited feedback, so how would you know? Also - Is scum gonna out themselves to lynch a rev? NO!

If you think about orginal ToL, all 3 Nks have a way to survive knights.

Sorc does not attack
Poss can send people to kill instead of his own
Reaper has souls to revive.

Revenant’s Passive: Immune to scumreading.

I’d trade occupy immunity for the ability to just sit through the game not having to worry about contributing to discussion.

And you can’t force a player to talk. That’s silly.

No, not just force. Just rework revenant in a way wich makes talking beneficial for them.

Well, I’m curious as to what you’ll come up with.

With two Rev’s though…

Someone is about to ruin the other Rev’s win and spill the beans

Wtf is a revenant? Can’t find anything about it in patchnotes and no videos

Oh it’s a Fol special.
Basically TOL on the forums

You should join us :wink:

it was a FoL special :^)

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That means we need a replacement totally rite?

Petition to let Moon Spirit join again