Ritual Mafia 2 - Heretics and The Elementalist Win!

We’re at 12/16, 8 village and 4 wolves.

If Clover ends up flipping scum, then that may be enough for the Heretics to convince the rest of town that I’m scum as well and I’ll end up being lynched instead of Solic. This’ll put us here at 6 village and 4 wolves before n2’s night kills factor in.

This is way too damn dangerous for us to risk it.

Actually you suggesting to get Sacc`d concerns me greatly now, because i feel like town Alice would not have said that actually.

So here’s a question to everyone. Why do you think I’m townhunting here? This further validates my claim here.

This is a flat out lie. We have mechanical information that there is scum in either of us.

Because if I’m wrong on Clover and get mislynched for it, this would be an instant loss for us.

Ngl I really don’t actually like it as well, however I still think solic is actually scum.

Either way we catch a scum here and if Sarun is actually Town then I see a htm/solic/squid team even more likely which means we potentially already game solved.

Sarun shouldn’t be this worried tbh.

Can you see clover on a scumteam with clover?

I find it worrying, considering he knows hes in a thunderdome rn, and hes not mechanically confirmed town here.

Either way there is no way I’m saccing Sarun.

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Clover likely flips town, but if my reads were wrong here, then scum can use this to setup a mislynch along with their conversion.

Tinfoil: She is now trying to shift it away from Clover, because I was actually right and her Shaman did use his skill on Clover and she doesn’t want to get lynched over me when that will happen.

You have yet to answer my question, who should be sacrificed today, then?

Eh, I don’t think he’d be so against sacrificing Clover were him in a scum-team with them, so this somewhat reassures me.

Htm. Htm that actually does something is town Htm to me.

Why though? Why do you Town read htm?


Terrible Suggestion.

Htm is scummy as hell right now, because his reaction to the Squid wagon was awful, and his excuse was shit, because it was at the same speed as Clover`s and same amount of people.

Just as a small interjection, I’m townreading Blizer about 90-955% due to reasons I’d currently like to keep to myself until there’s certain safety.

Gamer, Max, Blue and Marge have said too little and some sheeped easily onto Wazza.

Sam doesn’t want to be sacced, I think. @Sam17z clarify?

I don’t like you, Blizer, Squid and obviously Alice. Htm is PoE best choice.

Clover, I don’t like, because Alice suggested it yesterday trying to set it up.

And of course by 955% I mean 95%.

I gave my piece on voting up Wazza when I voted them, I don’t want to have to explain myself 3 times now.