Ritual Mafia 2 - Heretics and The Elementalist Win!

Honestly, i jumped the gun on Solic`s exorcist claim. Forgot that it was a Support class lol.

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Say “Wazza’s wagon” enough and it just becomes a euphemism.

A euphemism for what? Unless you mean a tongue twister

Also max doesn’t deserve this win

He literally did nothing

Telling everyone to “Jump on Wazza’s wagon” doesn’t sound like a euphemism to you?

Oh oh oh, you have a dirty mind


well played

I was spectating you guys

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@psychoneirik post the spread sheet please

Sam grade my play

It was pretty good. I was defending Solic because mad heads were pushing Solic so it was weird. It turned out to be mafia pushing for their scum buddie to get lynched

You live and learn. More experience

I think it was good that you thought I was scum for wanting you sacced

Again, remind me never to give advice to people on how to improve their scum games in the middle of a match.


bUt mInDs dOnT wOrK tHaT wAy

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Your death tunnel on wazza was dumb. You treated wazza as an experienced player but they were a newbie. You got to give some leg room for newbies

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I did that with Blue. Look what happened.

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Also, meme time.



Post the other video

When your mislynch costs the game you are at fault