Ritual Mafia - Congregation Wins

Wolfy, please add to me to chat tonight. It’s important in case a certain scenario occurs.

Wait does a self Miller count as a negative effect?

No, you can’t stop it I think. You can stop Occultist messing with my results though sooo.

Im pretty sure it’s a negative effect as framing is a negative effect in tol.

@psychoneirik Does the self-frame from Change of Faith of Diviner get nullified through Purify from Exorcist?

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If it doesn’t I’m counting it rigged. Framing should be a negative effect as it’s affecting you negatively towards invest.

I strongly believe that Firekitten should stop Solic from being framed tonight, and in addition it’s a safe action to out considering that I’m townreading Firekitten pretty strongly.

@Solic DO NOT use Change of Faith. It is not worth it. Change of Faith is better used for getting clears, and let’s be honest; we don’t need any more people to be cleared

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But if he does use it I can confirm myself and him if he doesn’t show up as a bad guy.

If you announce actions, they might get swapped too. I’m not sure of night plans actually can work with 3 scum alive.

It’s ALSO standard for self-actions to be unblockable.

Also @Solic there will be 2 wolves left after today, both of which will be occupied.

SO you are saying a fool who self frames can not be affected by the old court wizard barrier.

Hmm? We only have Captain through Vulgard. True, I’m going to be very very surprised if Marcus flips the other way.

it’s forum mafia standard
i can’t remember whether it’s standard for ToL or not.

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i very much doubt that there isn’t a second Conjuror tbh

And how would you know that they would occupy scum for sure…?

because all of the wolves are obvious?

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I thought Pug/Blizer was obvious too to be honest.

there are basically only 4 people who can feasibly be wolves with Pug’s flip
they are you, Marcus (obviously), Lightsin and Margaret
essentially, Solic, I don’t see anyone out of Poison, me, Sarun, Vulgard, Luxy, Firekitten or htm being a wolf
it’s really super obvious who the woves are

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I hope you’re right, but I want to reiterate this:

We’ll just have to let the flips tell us what happens next