Ritual Mafia - Congregation Wins

I mean bad omen is risky for them but soul exchange is risky for us.

Wait when did ā€œlevelingā€ players come into equation

Wait, are you reading the same thing as me, Captain?
Iā€™m missing that.

Also Iā€™m pretty sure Sam wonā€™t mind being sacrificed considering he didnā€™t mind it at all pre-reroll

Icı brought on it to discord.


Nani?!??! He has strong reads?!?! He was saying people rather than reading.He has almost only read one person like me

I know but like, in this specific game

This is literally just what I said. Please donā€™t be trying to take easy credit.


youā€™ve literally commented on this article
all town read this by the way

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I was saying what i stated earlier with soul exchange is more risky but sure.

I know, I was questioning why weā€™re suddenly labeling people as level X left and right rather than just ā€œgood or badā€ like it used to be

Still better than me so

  • Blizer - Low Level 2
  • htm - Level 1
  • Solic - Level 2
  • Firekitten - Low Level 2
  • Marluxion - High Level 2
  • Sam17z - Level 1
  • PoisonedSquid - High Level 1
  • Margaret - Level 1 (sorry Celeste you arenā€™t that good at reading)
  • Captain - Level 1
  • Lightsin - Idk i havenā€™t played enough games with them to be sure
  • Luxy - High Level 1
  • Icibalus - Level 2
  • Sarun - Level 2
  • Vulgard - High Level 2
  • PokemonKidRyan - High Level 2
  • Wolfy - Level 2

hereā€™s how I see the rough skills of all the players


it sorta describes how to read people better than a scale between good and bad imo

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Well, anyway, the other sacrifice I wouldnā€™t be opposed to is htm

Which level do you think for memesky ?

@Icibalus I just want to ask how important you think the MU thing is?
I think it has some valid points, but, it is slightly negative because it discourages early reads.

Donā€™t be offended if I called you a Level 1 player; very few players donā€™t improve beyond at least Level 1.

I think what the article is saying is wolfy is wolves trying to be the first person to post something townie so they look solvey early on

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Level 0 for giving zero fucks about the game and being bad when they actually try.


Iā€™m not going to argue with some of the tells being innacurate in our meta; but I think itā€™s a good read for most players nontheless.