Ritual Mafia - Congregation Wins

Yes, you were basically asking everyone how you were read without putting in any analysis from yourself and avoiding scumhunting in general. This would be just unbelievably stupid to come from a town-aligned player that cannot mechanically confirm themselves as that’s guaranteed that you’d be lynched.

Vulgard you better use it wise.I will stop posting soon.

The scenario, as I explained, literally evinces how that works and why it does not in fact get you lynched, if you do it properly. And with you as that dominant position, we likely would end up mislynching everything. You would just set up your checks a particular way for that.

The problem is that this time, you are being read differently. Being read as scum is never without a reason.

I will re-read Solic, don’t get me wrong. But I doubt that’ll change my read. Think of it as tunneling, if you want.

The words I dare you to reiso me, kinda raises a few red flags

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This still appears to be frustrated townie still. This reminds me of me and ici alot when we’re not listened to

And yes, some self meta being spewed here since I’m trying to learn new styles till. Sue me

It encourages us to look for nonexistent/fake crumbs. I did ISO him; there was no PR crumbing that I could see. Pre-reroll, there was evident crumbing D2.

But I’ll stop there. I still want to lynch Marcus today.

Pr crumbing?

As in power role pr?

Did you actually read my posts Sarun? Or are you just lazily reiterating the same read. I already addressed this point to Captain.

Well, I’m misusing the term considering the setup. I meant Diviner crumbing

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I want marg tbh…

This will more thn likely flip scum

fuck i read pr crumbing as pr crumbling like a cookie and now i’m hungry

if an inquisitor yolo shoots again without discussing
i’m going to be very salty

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Captain has been sacrificed. They were:

The Conjurer

Congregation Offensive
Ritual of Leadership (Ritual) - If you are sacrificed, a player of your choice will have two votes for the rest of the day.
Ritual of Lockdown (Ritual) - If you are sacrificed, select up to a third of the currently alive players (rounded up). Occupy them tonight.
Dazing Spell (Night) - Prevent a player from performing their night action. Unlimited uses.
Spirit Chains (Night) - Permanently chain a player. The next time they would use a limited use ability, they will be occupied. (Also works on day abilities) 1 use.

Goal: Defeat the Heretics.

We found a logbook:

Occ’ed Solic/Htm/Marg/Squid/Pug.My strongest town read is Vulgard so double vote goes to him.

The Ritual of Lockdown is complete! Up to 5 players will be occupied tonight.

The Ritual of Leadership is complete! Vulgard’s votes will count as two for the rest of the day.

I said this, because I get the feeling that my posts are not being read. Ici did it before. Sarun is doing it now provably.

I’m keeping my doublevote for hammer.

Lynch phase has started and will end in 48 hours or after a lynch.

I have an idea
there’s a tracker in this gamemode, yes?

/vote Marcus

Solic, I’m not death tunneling you as you’re not a priority as of yet.