Ritual Mafia - (Game has been rerolled in a new thread)

Tbh I think your town. I would of not wanted to vote meme out as scum I would rather vote Captain out.

I don’t think scum would try to get meme out so fast and captain is the safest vote for them right now. Meme can be used to get rid of later. And captain is townread by a lot of people here so it would make since for scum to be on it.

Unreleated note:
Scum want to actually be on town during this period which is weird and scum want Town to vote scum during this period so they can blame them.

That’s because when I don’t normally believe my reads but now I am because they are mostly correct

I am changing my plays a little bit

I mean I understand that but how you can see memesy confirmed town with that posts tho ? Since you are changing your plays he could be changing his plays as well.

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Please don’t give scum tips tho.You are just trying make them play better.It can hurt us later.

That’s true but he normally claims evil like that as town

It’s just that he memes which he normally wouldn’t do as scum.

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Actually no it’s great what I am doing. If we can catch them giving bad reasons as to why someone is Town we can assume they are scum. (Knowing they are Town)

You saying that kinda ruined your plan.It was logical tho.Hoping it can still work.

No it didn’t actually.

Scum are going to look at these words and be affected by these words trying to act differently which we will catch :wink:

Can you explain the first statement? Scum just want scum sacrificed period, since they get the ritual abilities as opposed to a townie getting the ritual abilities. They just convert the member back, so either way a townie always dies in the sacrifice period.


Scum do want that but do you really think scum want this to happen


Scum want credit by “voting town”

It is exactly symmetric to the lynching phase. Scum can lynch town and advance their goals or lynch scum to get credit. The stakes are lower in the sacrifice stage though.

Lynching scum during this period actually does the OPPISITE.

Scum want scum hung if they didn’t want to be townread. Scum do want credit do so they will try to hang Town during this period.


Kay then

/vote 17z for ritual because I find that it is best to get him out asap


Using my scumhunting powers, I have deduced that PKR is scum

Scum will want to sacrifiece their members but I kinda doubt town would sacrifice not a confirmed town.Sacrificing scum doesn’t help here at all.Since they would be replaced immediately with convert.We need to lynch them or kill them at night.

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I’m gonna say I can be confirmed without being killed. I will do so asap and be townbloc. Thx.
I also will say, don’t sacrifice me as I’m more useful alive (Like cap)

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Inquisitor claim?

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I am just going to say that noone can protect inquisitors after they reveal so…, don’t out early.