Ritual Mafia IV -- Spectator Chat

I’d prefer a katze lynch but there’s merit to an apprentice one

I’m not sure how I feel about this one, though.

I didn’t counterclaim because I felt like I was by far the most suspicious of the four claims so if lobby lynched in the Blood Mage claims it was probably going to be me

That’s… kinda desire to self-preserve that I could see coming from Congregation but it also sounds iffy. Like, you know that there mechanically cannot be 4 Blood Mages. Why not counterclaim and get lynched anyway, it narrows down the PoE.

Also I still want Apprentice lynched purely because of mechanical information it gives us.
He flips scum? One more scum out.
He flips Blood Mage? One within Marshal/Braixen/Kat was Heretic/Traitor N1 or Amelia is fake and Wazza survived the visit purely because Alice healed him.
I still think the whole “Amelia lucked out on a fake occupy on a class that doesn’t visit” theory to be a bit too exotic but it’s still a possibility.

I think in this case focus on intention instead of action
Their intent makes sense

“I’m villager and I think I get lynched if I cc, and that’s bad”

It’s possible that Amelia is exactly the scum that can roleblock and kill visitors to a given player
But that’s…questionable

can’t be since kyo flipped sorc

But if the blood Apprentice collected is pure, he would be immune to occupy anyway and he’d kill her in return.
So it’s a flat out:
She visited him and his blood is corrupted;
She didn’t visit him and the blood is pure/corrupted.

Yeah, this is what I meant by self-preservation that I could see coming from Congregation.
Honestly, the only truly bad thing that happens if Apprentice flips town is Italy suiciding tonight.

if he flips blood mage I’m fairly certain town loses

arete did the math on this apparently

We are sitting at:
-2 Starting Heretics;
-1 Convert;
-1 Traitor;
-10 Congregation.

Assume Apprentice flips town. Apprentice and Italy die, -2 Congregation.
Assume the Traitor is the Ritualist, and they get a nightkill: -1 Congregation.
Assume the Heretics successfully perform a nightkill: -1 Congregation.

So at worst, we are left with:
-2 Starting Heretics;
-1 Convert;
-1 Traitor;
-6 Congregation;

I could see them losing because they would have to Ritual a Blood Mage and kill precisely scum that way so… Yeah. You are probably correct.

…Oh. So what I just did was useless.

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rip :^)

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Lets keep it here just in case, then.

Ritualist highkey the best traitor I don’t know what anyone else is thinking

I feel like they are all useful but sacrificing the Lamb basically loses Congregation the game. Obviously most eyes will be on it.

Lamb is highrolly and even when it works it doesn’t destroy town

ritual of power is only 1 extra kill
you know what else gives you 1 extra kill?

Yeah but also being able to manipulate voting from the grave is… not something that should be ignored.
Honestly, I could definitely see myself choosing Ritualist if I got the Traitor. Elementalist’s utility isn’t half bad either:

Elemental Ritual (Ritual) - If you are sacrificed, all the Heretics will get 1 extra use of their limited use abilities.
Petrify (Night) - Occupy a player. - Unlimited uses.
Fire Rune (Night) - Prevent members of the Congregation from visiting a player tonight. - 3 uses.

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Not to mention that you get to join their night chat if you visit one :eyes:

Don’t we have an unaccounted for occupy?

I’m… not really certain to be honest