Ritual Mafia IV -- Spectator Chat


Hmm. Everyone seems to agree that Seth is the most likely convert from what I see and it looks like they are back to piling on Amelia.

Sulit gogogo

Sulit the savior? :eyes:

Braixen and Sulit are on the money, but it’s probably too little too late

Arete’s post is a super scum post for distracting from main question

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Why is Arete leading Sulit to convert hunt instead of asking her about her take on Kat, I wonder?

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Mindmeld with Geyde, probably congregation :^)

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Mindmeld let’s go

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Braixen noooo
You were the chosen one

I’m honestly not bothering to read him properly anymore because his logic is just… too messy to grasp. I feel like its memes mixed with insults, sprinkled with some random accusations on top.
I’ve also stopped taking those seriously, by the way. He reminds me of Seth in that aspect, but at least Seth backs up his pushes with some facts.

That’s kind of my perspective on them. I think a more reasonable statement of their behavior would say that they aren’t really sure how to play fm well

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Maybe they stop being aggressive to everyone, maybe they don’t.

Feel confident Wazza is still town

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I’m not experienced enough as to judge if they are unaware of how to play ‘well’, perhaps its just their specific playstyle, but I’m not enjoying it a lot. Its really difficult to sort out and reading them boils down to:
-Do they post as much as I expect them to post;
-Are they TWTBAW, or are they acting too self aware.

Which is bothering me, to be honest, because I want to learn how to read every type of player. Rant finished. Also I wish we could like posts within the main thread.

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I’m still not sure how to go about reading them
It’s honestly a real challenge

Hard agree on Wazza being town by the way. I think scum Wazza would be coming up with some kind of fancy/crazy play, or initiating a hard push someone right now.
This Wazza just screams townie to me.

If Amelia is scum I’ll eat my words

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And four scoops of ice cream to make the pride hit not as hard

But scum Amelia had no reason not to cut the day short, especially when half of the players weren’t even present.
I mean, I’ve miscleared two starting scum before so its not entirely impossible, but still. I don’t see it.