Ritual Mafia IV -- Spectator Chat

I completely agree, but “scum wouldn’t do this” is often an erring thought process
It, for example, caused scum to win in all of BotF2, BotF4, and Poisonous Mafia

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I get where you are coming from though

I’m probably just too focused on solving this ‘logically’ and by mechanics. You are right, this is a faulty mindset.

Can still agree with Sulit on this, however. That wagon not really moving is a bit concerning:

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Not saying that that’s a completely bad mindset
But standard deviation is to be expected with people having different approaches to a gam

Vibing with sulit tbh

I also find it curious that Marshal sounds like the lone voice of reason here (well, Sulit too but she’s mostly getting ignored):



many people have expressed doubts about the wagon but they aren’t ringing true because someone has a stranglehold on thread

Plus people rely too hard on mechanics to solve everything, which is ultimately disappointing

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Actually you know what I think might’ve happened with Amelia’s wagon? There are two tinfoils and one is a lot less likely than the other, but.
Tinfoil 1 (the unlikely one): All 3 groupscum jumped on Amelia’s wagon early, but did not have enough people to hammer;
Tinfoil 2 (more likely one): Amelia’s wagon contains only 2 scum at best, while the last one was purposefully avoiding voting to not expose themselves.

Might go and take a look at it again.

Stop having so many good thoughts, I’m running out of likes.

mfw when the actual players of the game aren’t sheeping the specgangs reads despite not being able to see them



But like, the main thought here is:
They either voted too early, or the leftovers were too late to vote so they had to back off.

that’s an interesting thought
Let’s explore when the wagon got to 7/8

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Amelia katze, Arete, an_gorta_pratai, Vulgard, Wazza, DryBones, Marshal 7/8
Apprentice Amelia, Alice 2/8
Icibalus Braixen 1/8
katze Icibalus 1/8
Wazza sulit 1/8

here’s what it looked like

If we had all scum jump on it early, then our team would be comprised of Katze/Arete/gorta, but since we are almost guaranteed that drybones is third scum then your first one might be right

Oh you got it first. I have post number if we need it.

Alright, so what we are thinking so far:
Katze + Arete are both scummy;
Vulgard/Wazza/Marshal are all town;
Gorta is dubious, possibly a convert, possibly just a townie trying to be cautious;
Seth is the prime conversion target.

So since we have determined that Kat/Arete are likely never groupscum together, but we view them both as a possible Heretic/Traitor, the second theory makes a lot more sense.

There’s probably one wolf who didn’t vote fast enough/specifically avoided voting on this wagon to not draw attention to themselves. Now I want to go and get Seth’s vote.

Since we now see sulit as town, I think it’s a good idea to remove them from contention
It’s mildly possible that either Alice or Apprentice are third scum based off that wagon

Got it.

I don’t see Kat/Arete scumteam, though. I could see a Kat/Gorta one? But Kat was commenting on how dubious Napoleon’s interactions were + that light shade from earlier, remember? This thing:

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It’s possible that that’s distancing
Gorta was pretty middling in terms of reads, notably

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