Ritual Mafia IV -- Spectator Chat

Wait, Amelia’s slot is basically confirmed anyway. She replaced for Wisp. Disregard this whole thing, she’s basically town unless converted.

still useful since you’d know they weren’t converted

This feels extremely opportunistic btw. Unless he unvotes because this is a nonsensical vote.

oh yep
they defo outed

Wait did I miss something and Amelia outed as scum?

I didn’t mean it that way
I was agreeing that katze was opportunistic while suggesting that they made a play so incredibly scummy that I think people will realized that katze is scum

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Oh I see. It got extremely confusing because of this whole talk about Amelia being converted so I thought I missed a slip.
Arete voting them too is… dubious. Traitor Arete tinfoil intensifies.

traitor Arete seems realistic given that their opener was so crappy yet they have picked up the pace for the most part

They aren’t tied down by knowing scumpartners but they still have the scum!Arete vibe

I think sulit was conv

A part of me still wants to believe that they wouldn’t be this obvious if they were scum. That entrance was one of the weirdest things that I’ve seen from them in a while. Hence why I theorized that it was just an attempt to shake their meta, but indeed, their posts became a lot better during D1 EoD/Ritual phase. Until the Appel mislynch and votes on Kyo.

Sulit being converted is a possibility, I think Wazza brought it up that she’s basically just existing, and converting Offensives seems like a good choice?

And by “just existing” I mean she makes a fine conversion target since she isn’t obvious like Alice/Arete/Marshal are, but she’s still a good pick.

They have been posting in a less agenda focused way then I’d expect from convert
So I’m going to change my mind on that read

Convert is up in the air in my mind
I’m noticing Alice was kinda soft defending katze a lot

So are you thinking Alice was the conversion target, then? I don’t think she’s a traitor and I don’t think she’s groupscum because I think groupscum Alice would push a lot more agenda. Still, isn’t that kinda too obvious? I would prefer to just kill her, not convert her.
Also, wasn’t she the one pushing on Apprentice?

Not going to lie, convert hunting seems like a giant pain in general. I thought I’d enjoy this mechanic but I’m really not.

I’m not really sure
Convert could realistically be anyone

Yep, which is why this is just agonizing.

I want to see how she votes today. She didn’t jump on Amelia’s wagon that is as scummy that it can possibly be, which is good but also not really AI. Lets see if people are going to react to it, because Wazza isn’t doing much.

I’d say that’s likely due to this chat.
Can’t reply in the cookie thread since there’s a possibility of angleshooting.

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Spectating with you has been a blast so far honestly, I’m really liking that we are able to maintain a fast paced discussion + I know that you are actually experienced with FMs, so seeing your thought process is fascinating :eyes:

I get a bit stressed by FM games as of recent, but it’s still enjoyable to talk about.

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