[RP] So it Seems {SignUps}

If it’s alright with shuri.

It’s okay.
Everyone posts every 3 days* anyway.

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How would most react to this in a conscription?

By which I mean the military folk. The army staff.

Nah man the real military folk aint there yet

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Waiting for you to reply.

Ya’ll have a choice!

Comedy or Normalcy!


war ain’t a joke kids


Apologies for the late release
I’ll reply by 24 hours. I’m currently having a relapse from an illness that I technically should already have recovered from, >_>

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  1. Timeskip
  2. Undergo proper training

/vote 2

we gotta get to know each other through training even if it is quick

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/vote 2


/vote 2

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Hmm… Time to furiously impromptu… starting tmr…

2 days alr…
Gimme last day.

Dies in busy