[RP] So it seems... [Thread]

You can go the the next one I’m on mobile atm

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You can just start the next part as well, don’t really have much time

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The three of you decide to sit down, right next to each other. After all, all of you were in the same company.

And of course, there seemed to be some time before the commander came.

Of course, there was a commotion in the other tents, which some of you can make out “No Cigarettes”…

Another man sat down by the three of you, with an singed brown eyepatch over his left eye. He took out a cigarette and lit it, causing the crates nearby to explode, killing everyone watches the three of you, judging the three before him.

sorry for the long wait

Alex stands up, looking at the man; not in the eye, but close to it. He inquired, “You must be the commander?”

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“What the hell do you want.” The voice is muffled thanks to the gas mask.

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“Hah, I ain’t no commander. Ya look like a lifely bunch. We be in the same company now, life or death, ya know?”

A fresh recruit, it seems. He seems to be middle aged, with a stubble, quite well-built, narrow eyes.

He looks towards the three of you, and his gaze stops at the next…

“You got the guts. You first.” @Ami

“Teris. Unless your dealing with a tank i don’t suspect we’ll see much of each other.”

Magnus remained silent, looking at his hands.

“Alexander, or Alex for short. I’m a medic, so as long as you don’t get shot in any vital areas you’ll most likely be fine.”

Jeremy Forshken. Ya like shotguns? If so, I think we’re gonna be pals.

“Ah. I’m Ganon Keynes, ain’t no commander. I am supposedly to operate tanks or what not. With half an eye gone, I ain’t as good with vehicles as I used to be.”

And voila, the commotion at the nearby tent finally stopped.

“Say, what do you think the commander will be? Easygoing or bastard?”

Alex looks at the nearby tent, grabbing his right wrist with his left hand behind him and gently bites his lower lip. He comments, “Hopefully easygoing, though we’ll see.”

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“I guess we’ll see a lot of each other then, i expect a hardass bitch. Wouldn’t be shocked.” The muffled voice seems to swear in every sentence of theirs.

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If i’m honest, I’m hoping he’s a stern leader. I’ve worked with the rowdiest of kids all my life. A good, strict leader can work wonders.

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“Hah! You youngsters look like a fun bunch!”
The eye-patched man exclaimed, his mouth curling upwards into a smile, left hand slamming downwards into his left knee.

And as he did that, a lady of around 30s, with long blonde hair and of army descent entered the tentage.

By now, the tentage was full of people…


She yelled, her voice booming through the tentage, and shutting everyone up immediately.

“Recruits. Stand at attention!”

(6 hours later)

Already at a halfway attention, Alex just adjusts his bottom lip ahead so he’s not biting it, and rotates his head so it’s facing straight forward.

Teris complied.

Jeremy noticed the woman. He stared for a little too long before standing at attention like everyone else

“Well shit, a she.”

Keyes stood up, standing at attention like the rest.

Of course, after making her introduction as the army captain, Xamirin Foster… she orders everyone to be at ease… and begins rattling orders.

“Recruits, all of you will be put in your groups. You will undergo the training that we shall provide for you!”

Of course, through some fate of dice… All of you are in the same group. Your group has quite a few more people…

And thus, you will undergo training with this exact same group… Group C.

(2 Snipers, 4 StormTroopers, 2 Tank Operators, 2 Medics, 1 Grenadier, 3 Scouts.)

Quite a diverse cast of members in the group. But one thing is certain, your group is noticeably smaller than the rest.

(Please go to the signup pages to discuss the next step of the RP.)