[RP] So it Seems {SignUps}


with their pumped up kicks

you better run

better run

outrun my gun

This is on another level of fucked


well I wanted to make a ten-year-old school shooter and didn’t know how to make it… not completely psycho

I thought it was an actual character sheet LOL and I almost said yes then I actually read the backstory

it is an actual charachter sheet nerd

let little timmy through

also this isn’t fucking africa

child soldiers are illegal CARLLLL

Hell no

ok fine little timmy can be in prison instead

so’s internet piracy, what’s your point

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so is defrauding your city government out of millions but you don’t see people getting all mad at me for it.

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This is still acceptable

Morals are for nerds

For a private


what did you do

Probably defrauded his city government out of millions

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