[RP] So it Seems {SignUps}

I have an ethical system!! it’s just that in many ways said system is fairly orthogonal to the legal system

I just filled out negative numbers for my taxes and they gave me money

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thank you kanye
very cool

yea but

actually fair point

child soldiers ok as long as i get to pirate gay porn

ok kai thank you for your veiwpoint

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hot take

consequentialism is obviously correct and if people disagree it’s because they’re wrong


hot takes don’t exist


i’m sober i swear

lukewarm take

consequentialism is obviously correct and if people disagree it’s because they’re wrong

Unpopular opinions are beliefs that go against the conventional status quo. ‘Unpopular’ is a relative term, because one’s opinion may be affected by location, race, religion, and other factors. Before the internet, those with unpopular opinions would have to stand bravely by their views and remain in the community’s disfavor as there were few supporters around. Today, the categorization of the internet allows the ostracized views of individuals or causes to find supporters for any point of view. Once connected through categorization, the echo chamber provides a group of supporters with no dissenting opinion. Add to that the filter bubble which only shows internet users the things they agree with or are interested in and everyone has a safe haven for their opinions. So, the previously ‘unpopular’ opinion is now ’popular’, since there is consensus. Consider the example of an ‘unpopular opinion’: our Earth is flat. Due to networking alongside the internet referring people to groups with similar interests, the concept of Flat Earth has thrived even with insurmountable opposing evidence. ‘Unpopular opinions’ don’t have to be shunned—the internet will identify supporters.

nobody will read that ever

Arete will

yes but arete is a nerd

that’s not true, I already did and don’t particularly intend to re-read it

I therefore believe the flat earth theory to be popular

This on the other hand is very true

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i beat up nerds and take their student IDs

Imagine that being a part of one of your essays for colleges

i have 4 student IDs of different students at my schoo,

‘Arete is a nerd’? I’m pretty sure I had more than one essay about that.