[RP] So it Seems {SignUps}

maybe the other half of the tank operator they’ll be assigned to
i’m not picky

Watch me.

Some say this actually happened, but the GM reversed time.

Uh, what the heck. I’ll continue playing, but expect me to be off alot.
like, A Lot.

If it’s alright with shuri.

It’s okay.
Everyone posts every 3 days* anyway.

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How would most react to this in a conscription?

By which I mean the military folk. The army staff.

Nah man the real military folk aint there yet

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Waiting for you to reply.

Ya’ll have a choice!

Comedy or Normalcy!


war ain’t a joke kids


Apologies for the late release
I’ll reply by 24 hours. I’m currently having a relapse from an illness that I technically should already have recovered from, >_>

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  1. Timeskip
  2. Undergo proper training

/vote 2

we gotta get to know each other through training even if it is quick

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/vote 2


/vote 2

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Hmm… Time to furiously impromptu… starting tmr…

2 days alr…
Gimme last day.

Dies in busy