More stats. Less taxing.
Shurian is not amused.
The First Round starts upon 4 sign ups.
Backstories not required. Though, backstories can help host prep skills that are appropriate to your character.
Level: 1
Class: ??
Range: Melee/Ranged (1/2)
Skills: {To be decided by host}
Trait: {To be discussed with host}
Stats: {Will be given to you in your chat}
StAtS? How does that work?
Think of it as the point buy system in DnD.
Stats can be allocated into these…
Mechanics will be displayed in due time.
However, note. This is a turn based game.
Also… Pick your Poison
- PvE (Coop)
- PvP (Coop in Teams… if there’s enough people.)
0 voters
Maybe… this?
To indicate a join… just do a /in or /join or… whatever you want! Just ping me along with it! :3
Shu shu is Shu shu.
And Shu shu has list of people who joined!
Entering the Fray