RRM3 - Mafia Chat

MrEevee7 is

Mafia ITA Master

You are the ITA Master, aligned with the Mafia! You have the following ability.
The ITA Master may each night choose to make his ITA hit chance 100% or 0% for the next day phase.
Goal: Defeat the Town and all neutrals who seek to do you harm

KyoDaz is

Mafia Probate Lawyer

You are the Probate Lawyer, aligned with the Mafia! You have the following ability.
The Probate Lawyer - The Probate Lawyer will, for as long as they are alive, passively allow dead townies to leave behind a last will, a post-death message. When the Probate Lawyer dies, all last wills are published.
Also makes it so dead townies can’t speak on the chat until you die.

Goal: Defeat the Town and all neutrals who seek to do you harm

Solic is

Mafia Evil Mastermind

You are the Evil Mastermind, aligned with the Mafia! You have the following ability.
The Evil Mastermind is a role who can potentially perform one of two night actions each night . If the Evil Mastermind does not already have a living Evil Minion, they can choose to recruit one. If the Evil Mastermind does have an Evil Minion, they or their Evil Minion can kill someone. They also have a private chat with their Evil Minion. When a player becomes the Evil Minion, they will lose their previous role if a member of the town. To be clear, the Evil Mastermind is not forced to recruit someone if they do not have a living Evil Minion. Also, if the Evil Mastermind dies, this will result in causing any living Evil Minion to die as well. The Evil Mastermind can choose whether they or the Evil Minion will be the one carrying out a kill (and thus be able to be tracked).
Goal: Defeat the Town and all neutrals who seek to do you harm

Htm is

Mafia Avoider

You are the Avoider, aligned with the Mafia! You have the following ability.
The Avoider may each night target someone. If that player targets the Avoider with any night action, it will not work.
Goal: Defeat the Town and all neutrals who seek to do you harm



This is going to be interesting.

if there are neutral evils can they turn into neutral benign when the blackjack shot is used?

The neutral’s wincon will remain, unless it is impossible to be achvied. In such case, the neutral leaves the game defeated.



Why do I feel this calm about an accusation as scum…?

Like it’s legit scaring me

the accusation is pretty bad imo

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is there anything we should do with our night actions

I don’t believe we should.

However I will wait on other scum’s opinion.

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yeah agree honestly

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… like a factional kill?


Do we have a factional kill?

What chat? Dead chat? Is this implying dead interaction must exist?

This is literally a trap. Wtf? I suppose we’re not blackjacking our cough useless roles around, because this would be really strong on town.

Also this role literally incentivizes MrEevee to just become town, out the whole scumteam and win the game… Was this roll even looked at?


We should use this on any powerrole they might have and if you do decide to sell us out, well then I hope I rerand something better. :upside_down_face:


Will a target of Mimic be told that a Mimic caused them to lose their power or they will just receive a new vanilla rolecard. What is the feedback you’ll give?

I haven’t read the thread for who should be killed, but we should at least have an action in place.

/vote Factional Kill Alice

Yes, you have a factional kill.

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Yes, dead townies can’t speak on the dead chat until you die.


The Probate Lawyer won’t actually receive the last wills. Since last will mechanics are unusual, the host must immediately contact any dead townies before posting the day start story if the setup isn’t open to prevent them from potentially talking with other dead players about the game.

This class only makes sense in a deadchat-less setup, so I have adapted it.