RRM3 - Mafia Chat

I think we might have to bus Eevee here. I will at least.

Wait what if Insanity saved Eevee from death?

There was no NK killā€¦

Neutral Killer does not exist in this I believe.

Wait then how did Sulit die?

Probably from Granny or something. Town Killer?

@Mercenary Can you display a Sleuth rolecard for me in mafia chat please and potential feedback?
Want to make sure I donā€™t slip up on the classcard side of the claim.

I feel like a massclaim is gonna come up soon.

What should I claim?

Oh Iā€™ve actually just realized Eevee canā€™t shoot today. They didnā€™t select their ITA chance because they mimicā€™d.
That isnā€™t good. Oh no.

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??? Sleuth

You are the Sleuth, aligned with the ???! You have the following ability.
The Sleuth may once per game at night submit 3 names. If all 3 names are town-aligned players, the Sleuth will get a Negative hit. If at least one of them is mafia, the Sleuth will get a Positive hit.
Goal: Defeat the ??? and all neutrals who seek to do you harm

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Awesome, thank you.

Can blackjack be rolled by town too?


You got a Negative hit.
You got a Positive hit.

Any role can be from any alignment.
I will roll exclusively third party roles for neutrals. Third party roles canā€™t be rolled by neither mafia nor town.

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Oh yeah, I completely forgot about that.


I donā€™t feel like Blackjack is the towniest claim though.

We can blackmail the third party into siding with us or weā€™ll blackjack causing them to immediately lose as well.

Just a strategy if we find the 3p to be the only vote we need for mafia majority and we have blackjack alive. Thought itā€™d be worth mentioning. 3p also needs to only win with their certain abilities.

I feel like most of the classes except mimic and maybe Blackjack are sorta useless for the mafia tbh

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Hen my role is that bad if I was to be redirected into someone Iā€™d be a hinderance to myself. Itā€™s literally that bad.

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I dont know exactly what the play is here. Say theyā€™re lying?

Iā€™ll probably claim armoursmith or bodyguard, doesnā€™t really matter I think.