RRM3 - Mafia Chat

Princess also works.

And my laziness has made me give up on finding classes to claim so rip.

Can you link me the Actor class? I am kinda busy today

If I manage to deceive even one town member then the two of you need to blitz. Make it co-ordinated though.

I actually believe I can get out of this. Imagine if I do. Thatā€™d be brilliant.

I have gained more time by the unknown technique of skipping class, lemme see that

Actor would be shuffled normally as all passive abilities would as well @solic

Iā€™m asking the following:

Person A is a not an actor and places a vote.

Person B blackjacks and ensures that person A becomes Actor.

Person A has now voted pre hammer and is an Actor, so they would be modkilled?

How many lava cookies do I get in hell if I manage to get away with this?

No, person A would not be killed since they were not an actor when the vote was cast

Solic, would you mind me accusing you of potentially being framer and knowing Marshal was Naive as you previously framed him but he got a green check?

Actually I believe that wouldnā€™t be a good idea. Iā€™m going to decide against doing that.

Actually this really wouldnā€™t work as Iā€™d flip Probate Lawyer, oops lol.

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Iā€™m probably going to claim one of these then:

Restless Spirit

Going to go search for 2 more tho

Survivalist also works.

Also Solic, you could claim snoop and say that you found out his naive modifier from that if you wanted to.

However another invest doesnā€™t look like a good claim to me

Iā€™m just going with my true claim if I have to claim. No reason to be deceitful about it.

If votes stay frozen like this, we can pile on at end of day to snipe a win btw.

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I think Survivalist is the best.

If Iā€™m forced to claim I can claim it and say the reason I didnā€™t want to out was because I wanted mafia to target me.