Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

Why did u just blatantly strawman my post …

It’s not ‘blatant strawman’

ur acting like i forced my reads (cringe argument) bu then get mad that i say idk on a lot of my posts

thats literally how i’ve always done it

I’m saying not to include it not to force reads out ?@&÷*= I dont even know where u got that

you’ve played with me more than enough times to know that’s just how i do readlslists

No it isnt


Why did you say my best post is the one in which i basically say ‘eli is v or w/w with marshal’ but you dont like appel saying you teo are t/t or w/w? Because like
I found myself in agreement with her lmao

Wassup girl

I see alright

because yours doesn’t rule me w eli v worlds out

it’s “either marshal is right and eli is unfrozen or they are w/w and marshal is coaching eli”

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Thumbs upze

that’s the reason i didnt like appel’s post

I’m at a loss rn

I’m having problems getting to conclusions rn and it feels cringe

what did this post achieve

good point, that one was 2000 post’s in though. what made you make reads with 1/4 of the content? if you are aware most people don’t have much

make moves first, come to conlusions later.

that readlist was posted 1 full day after the game started

my readslist was posted about 1 full day after the game started

thats generally when i get into the game

if I was going to wait to make reads until there were 2000 posts i wouldnt be playing d1

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/vote chloe @Aelin


alright, that’s settled then

Either way @Chloe walk me through cheese v plz

im not exactly sure i get how you’re getting there
would like more depth