Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

tbf i think this isn’t a good reason

at that point the wagon was far gone, at l-1, and mist was gonna hammer

the behaviour before it is suspect imo but I think its unfair to count the hammer against lol

i just think it’s stupid and bad esp from my pov when i still had stuff i wanted to say

it’s stupid and bad but realistically not wolfy

except i did? i tried to jump on counterwagons and focus attention on richard so we could actually discuss if he was going to die but dude decided to go edgy and everyone got sick of him

that wagon wasnt gonna stop

hammer is to cuck mist from doing it, if you talk about hammering i will want to do it instead

i have him blocked how bad is it

this is a surprising conclusion considering i did that to you last time i was wolf and you went bonkers

Does lol always decide upon their reads and then continue to push them what happens in the game? Re: the Appelslot read specifically.

I. Can’t type.

I meant “continue to push them without re-evaluating.”

sorry language barrier what do you mean

i stopped pushing them when mist did the metaread on them and other people chimed in saying apelsin town

so what are your reads now

So, uh. You’ve been treating yourself being in the PoE as a good thing, as shown by your multiple posts where you want to get yeeted to Sky Daddy.

So, my question is this. What should the PoE be from your pov? If you think ours is bad, then you should speak up if you’re town, because it’s becoming consensus.

the poe is fine

why would i be so carefree if i was not okay with it?

the biggest problem is i townread bluelance

everything else roughly matches up

Is this one of these games where everyone in the PoE is okay with it and it’s all villagers and maybe one wolf?

what a random conclusion, where did you even get that

let’s say it is

what does that say about anyone else for you


Well, Derps/Mistyx/min obviously still all town in that world. I take another look at Marshal and Eli. Possibly Zori as well.

Hippo could go either way, I feel very ambivalent about the slot.

why is everyone clearing derps he didn’t even claim neighborizer

for exact team i think i said marl/vulgard/pkr/hippo before, could be wrong but im down to bet on that if we are taking those