Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

exactly, marshal sped through that

but appel isn’t w

not the point im making

how are these two related again

unique interaction to a newbie only seen when interacting with marl

also what
i thought u said appel being wolf isn’t your point

well the point is the read wasnt explained so i reiterated the explanation

the iso isnt long you can read it yourself

apelsni serious all game except a few hints of loosening when talking to marl and friendly hello to richard

same reason for saying busy wolf. busy frozen means only posting walls and catching up but avoiding live interaction because you are frozen. posting content only so you dont get targeted for low content. robotic tone enhances that

no meta knowledge except 1 turbo game where i was a wolf so it fell flat

ok so if she’s a wolf and was treating marl (also a wolf) the same way as crich, why does that make crich a villager and not a wolf

how do u get to this

the duality of man

Did someone say lol wall

Okay Google how many times can I post the word lol without drawing moderator attention

Zero times

because i thought marl was a villager. lmao

do you realize why i dont explain my reads

built different

if you havent ascended like i have you will never understand the complex reads

so the reason you thought crich was town was because you were preflipping appel scum and saying that appel was treating crich and marl in the same way (and so also assuming marl was town)


why did u not say this at the time

the way in which you present your crich read just reeks of TMI when you’re like “i’ll take the vig shot” and you don’t actually try to stop the wagon
you even hammered it
because of the… complexity of this read i would have assumed u were confident on ur crich read