Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

I think Hippo’s posts are tonally close enough to his towngame I’m willing to accept him as town over most other PoE members.

He’s not in the village core because he hasn’t done anything that warrants putting him there. Like clearly not W/W interactions with Marl, or getting a pelt, or anything of the sort. But when viewed independently, his posts don’t make me think he’s mafia.

At the very least I wouldn’t consider killing him for a phase or two.

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I have never seen him do this as town. Not a single time.

Do you think they haven’t figured it out already?

If i can figure it out so can they

you are being outmemed by the self-proclaimed non-memer

Why do you think PKR struggles so much with making actual reads in this game?

I’ll go check something, hold on.

by this game do you mean mafia or this game specifically

i am ami

/vote Ami @Aelin @astand

This game specifically. Believe me or not, but he… doesn’t struggle to make reads as mafia. He’s played this game for literal years and randed wolf many times, including with me once. He knows how to make fake reads. In fact, in Insurgency he had a whole bunch of early reads and didn’t really struggle with voicing them.

This game is a really strange contrast. I’m not sure if it’s the increased pressure on him that did this, or something else, but it’s like he isn’t himself. His ISO is so weird.

maybe my constant poking did a number on him
it tends to do this

although if he was doing stuff initially then i wouldn’t have had a need to poke him

so that doesn’t really explain it anyway


Court fees were carefully chosen since bad things were alternatives, such as renting items instead of owning (Gunbound style), having stupidly high prices on all items and only have items in updates (other games you know), or pay2win, loot boxes, etc.

All alternatives were really eh. However, if we just do this and barely change other things, we can have a near-premium experience.

With court fee, there will be less players leaving alive. With private court fee (for FULL private games: you can merge into public with 15 without this), all guests are free - then this encourages public queues so queue time is lowered with more new faces seen for different experiences each match.

Since you get coin at the end of each room (essentially punished for leaving early , which was already reportable and now has coin loss) +and possibilities for bonuses (dead bets, vote mvp x3, win 1 of 3 mvp, brilders, win bonus, upcoming login promos, and other promo features absolutely coming since f2p needs this kinda stuff)… Statistics are on your side.

If it wasn’t court fee, it’d be something else: Remember, I work full time in Throne: I’m giving up a paycheck to solely and 100 percent rely on folks buying gold for aesthetics to survive. Without a gold sink, you won’t have an active dev. The court fee essentially hires me to update the game as a live service :stuck_out_tongue: not to mention more players means wayyy more server fees id need to cover.

It’s just any indie f2p model, but better. Go to “other games” and all updates focus on bloaty and expensive store items. It’s a f2p patch and I still did balance and bug fixes. Because of our model, I can keep concentrating on what’s important instead of trying to shove items in your face with 0 true updates. Compare us and you’ll see why we went with court fees.


I went and checked his responses to pressure in Insurgency, where he was a wolf. They were not good, either. Reading through it was painful. He mostly insulted his accusers and yelled at them whenever they shot him in ITAs.

What wasn’t the case there is him becoming unable to do literally anything, and him asking to be killed. Here, he’s asked to be killed.

More in a few minutes.

I have a sinking feeling he’s just town here. Sure, he’s made no alignment reads unprompted, but he’s never had this problem as a wolf before. He asked to be killed over an outed wolf for no reason. He continually draws attention to himself through his emotional posting. He spends the majority of his entrance posts complaining about how he’s being read incorrectly. It’s super irrelevant, it derails the thread, but I’m hard-pressed to think it actually comes from a wolf. If Marl is a goon, this is the wolf PR we are talking about, and he plays like this? This whole shtick about being read incorrectly early game is completely unnecessary, and him continuing not to provide worthwhile content while pressured feels like he’s stubborn town who insists on doing this for personal reasons.

I’m not saying it’s good, nor am I encouraging this, I simply don’t think it’s how PKR would play this game as a wolf.

He said he was drunk on gin at start of game so don’t look into any of that v seriously tbh.

The only time wolf PKR resorted to AtE was when it would help him self-preserve. Here, what he’s doing is basically the opposite of that. He’s digging a hole under himself and he knows it. You’ve been on his case for an insane amount of time and he should’ve figured out why you scumread him by now, yet he’s still posting in this strange way. This isn’t a PKR doing this to survive, it’s a PKR who’s doing this for… reasons. But certainly not “keep myself alive” reasons.

You could argue it’s WIFOM, but wolves don’t have a N1 roleblocker and Marshal asked to shoot him. I don’t expect PKR to do this kind of thing as a wolf.