Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

you actively told the wolves their optimal play for no benefit

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Marluxion min, EliThePsycho, Vulgard, Hippoyeetus, Atlas, Marluxion 6/8
min Marshal 1/8
Marshal ArcticXI 1/8
PokemonKidRyan SirDerpsAlot 1/8
lol Mistyx 1/8
Not voting Ami, Appelsiini, PokemonKidRyan, lol 4

I think Marlā€™s ISO looks the worst for Vulgard and Ami exactly, and looks very good for Eli

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i thought this post felt partnery

this is all marl says about vul

never seriously engages with him, never actually pushes him, just some ā€œmeh i dont really like thisā€ and thats it

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who are we least sure on other than atlas


you but only because your iso has too many posts for me to want to read

vaguely marshal?

ā€¦so basically everyone except the PR claims and night


A fellow person of culture I see.

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Okay, this is a stupid read youā€™re not going to like, but.

I donā€™t think Marshal/Marl are W/W, because if they were, Marshal would townread Marl earlier and they would both tag team Chloe on day 1. Chloe is a tough misyeet to sell, but if they cooperated, they could have achieved it. What happened instead was that Marshal pushed on Chloe initially, backed down a little, then Marl pushed on Chloe and Marshal was no longer interested. The sequence reads like Marl piggybacking off Marshalā€™s initial read. I donā€™t think I need to explain why this is an unlikely sequence to have come from wolf partners.

Another part of this read is that wolf!Marshal could townread Marl earlier instead of taking most of day 1 to get there, but thatā€™s my personal evaluation of Marshalā€™s style of wolfing and I understand if people disagree.

well they achieved it without cooperating?

Thatā€™s because CRich successfully turned the entire thread against him in half a day. ā€¦Not even that, I think. A couple of hours. Pretty remarkable.

Iā€™m sure a bunch of people knew he was town when he started AtEing like mad, but voted him anyway - and frankly, I get it.

This game feels super solved.

Looking through Iā€™m like super confident PKR wolf too.

And then Iā€™d kill Ami

i canā€™t wait for him to come back to the thread and this be the only thing he responds to

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Hopefully it gets to final 5 where I can hammer final mafia cuz itā€™ll be obvious by then and Iā€™ll still be alive and then Iā€™ll claim all the credit for the whole game and bm everyone

Really, the wolfiest thing about PKR aside from his constant persecution complex in this game is the fact that he asked why we were not killing him over the outed wolf today. Like. What kind of question is that?

Level 0 read

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donā€™t think thid alone is wolfy for pkr
itā€™s more the fact that heā€™s doing it instead of giving reads

Yeah the AtE stuff he opened with wasnā€™t AI tbh, but the fact all heā€™s posted since is non-stop vague rhetoric is so ridiculous to the point where I think he is just hardcore out memeing me.

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