Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

also wat

were derps and night claimswapping then?

@SirDerpsAlot boop

now i gotta actually read the slot lol

i guess i’ll add that to my itinerary

ye night claimed neighborized to give cover

but uhhhh



NAI Host Ping (ignoring people who have already posted)

Won’t be needing the cover anymore it seems

also marshal you just wrote a book

Fun fact: Most publishers consider novel length as between 50,000 and 110,000 words. The average length is about 90,000 words.

Thanks Aelin, very cool

not quite there

got a chapter or two maybe

either way time to read derpz

im so sorry for your loss of sanity


I haven’t played this setup before neighblouriser feels kinda random in it

So we killing PKR Yeah @PokemonKidRyan

/vote pokemonkidryan

Btw how do i do the funny iso thing?

Modkilled for hurting the host’s feelings

im pretty sure aelin made the setup, dunno why it’s there either but it’s a funny role so whatever

U didn’t design the setup tho

People were thinking I was neighboriser so I just kinda rolled with it :man_shrugging:t2:

… yes I did?