Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

Oh lol oop

iā€™ll just figure it out myself then

Click on someoneā€™s image

And then click on ā€œX posts in topicā€

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
PokemonKidRyan Hippoyeetus 1/7
Not voting Ami, ArcticXI, Atlas, EliThePsycho, lol, Marshal, min, Mistyx, PokemonKidRyan, SirDerpsAlot, Vulgard 11

I mean how do i do multiple quotes in one text

I wolfread Marshal coming into the day with an extensive read on me written during the night phase, as if she knows neither me nor she will die in the night.

i said the same thing about lol but iā€™ve come to realise that trying to save crich was a lost cause with what he was doing
i donā€™t think you can really push someone based on this

agreed, it was a bit odd tbh

wow derps isnā€™t neighbourizer
didnā€™t see that one coming :flushed:

Prewritten post for SoD. I rarely do this, but I thought about the game overnight and reached the conclusion I was approaching the game wrong. Here's Wonderwall.


With Mistyx and min being outed PRs, my PoE looks like this:


I am pretty sure this PoE always wins the game.

Derps is in his townmeta. Iā€™m pretty good at reading him historically, so Iā€™m banking on being correct this time as well. The reason heā€™s in his townmeta is the fact his ISO is low on content and he hasnā€™t really tried to change that at any point whatsoever. This is town indicative of Derps, because mafia Derps likes to post some reads every now and then at least. Besides, Iā€™d expect him to be more invested in the game if he were mafia.
Eli is town because the density of actual reads and worthwhile takes in his ISO is higher than it would be if he were mafia. I checked the BOTF game he played as scum, and the postcounts are similar, but the content density is different.
Vulgard is town.
Nightingale is town because of a combination of Marl spew + Appelā€™s day 1 being pretty villagery + Zori posting reads first and foremost upon replacing in, despite barely being able to spell. Wolf!Zori would be far more likely to take the ā€œI am sleep-deprivedā€ excuse and dip. Nobody would fault her for it.
Arctic is town by sheer volume and the quality of his solving. The one wolfgame he played here was nowhere near this level of volume and density of valuable content. If he is a wolf this game, heā€™s playing at least 3x as well as he did in his last wolfgame. Reevaluate if he lives too long, because if he is indeed playing by far the best wolfgame of his life, he is going to get far at this rate.
Hippo is town because his day 1 is simply out of range. His thought process is fluid, he does not feel stilted at any point whatsoever. This is important because mafia!Hippo forces out posts a lot instead of letting them come naturally.
Atlas is town because of volume and the fact they seem eager to provide actual reads and participate in the game. A wolf at this level wouldnā€™t have so many reads and absolutely 0 hedging. There is no point where Atlas hedges, and I find that unlikely to be the case if they were wolfing, because there would be an element of not wanting to take responsibility for incorrect reads.

Kill Ami/PKR/Marshal/lol in any order, really.

BlueLance claimed VT, talked about Principles of Playing the Game for 10 posts and then dipped. The VT claim is towny in a vacuum but not in-context. The way he did it looks like it was done for towncred, to emulate nonchalance. Ami isnā€™t much better; Amiā€™s first posts are selfvoting and the next posts are voting/pushing Eli for no discernible reason. It looks like they picked a viable wagon and pushed it to look immediately productive, rather than actually believing the read.
PKR is someone I flipped my read on overnight, because his early ISO is pretty terrible. Even if I assume his mental state is not the best, he offers almost no thoughts of his own unless prodded. When Arctic prods him about the reasoning behind his Chloe read, PKR clams up and doesnā€™t provide a decent explanation. He spends many of his early posts complaining about being voted, and almost never offers insights on the gamestate/peopleā€™s alignments/literally anything unless told to do so. This isnā€™t a villager who feels boxed in, this is a wolf whose thread position is terrible and who has no idea how to climb out of the hole.
Marshal is a strong wolf, and since she is a strong wolf, I expect her to make strong plays. Iā€™ve talked about the Marl read thing before, and while my reasoning was based on a post that didnā€™t exist, Marshal did talk a lot about how Marl was likely town, continuing into day 2. The fact her read wasnā€™t predicated on CRichā€™s flip to begin with doesnā€™t mean anything here. I havenā€™t loved the way she played the early game, her posts read like a wolf trying to fit into the thread and figure out what she can do. Marl taking over for Marshalā€™s push I interpreted as W/W originally but I donā€™t think itā€™s that clearing upon re-reading. I think itā€™s viable from wolf partners as a distancing move and cooperative move simultaneously. (Same push target, seemingly different read sources.) Her reaction to my push on day 2 was also pure AtE and waxing poetic about hypotheticals when it doesnā€™t bring anything to the game. When I backed out of my read, she had an oddly careful reaction to it and to evaluating me further; I think itā€™s indicative of her being unsure how to treat her read on me after everything that happened.
lol is actually my least confident wolfread on the list. I did some meta hunting, and the complexity of lolā€™s thought in this game seems relatively high compared to the wolfgame(s) Iā€™ve seen from him. The main reason I donā€™t townread him, aside from his mentions of wanting to get yeeted, is the fact he could easily be powerwolfing with his reads. Not only are most of his takes poorly reasoned, but heā€™s not very transparent with his thought process. His reads look more like heā€™s steering the thread than actually believing in what he says. He reevaluates depending on how the thread goes, but seldom comments on it, either. Having said all this, though, I think heā€™s the most likely player of these four to actually be a villager, and I would flip him last if I had my way.

I kinda want to flip Marshal first, given the fact most people would be scared to push her. Least OK with killing lol today.

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There were 3 PR claims and we are both in the general PoE

Vul for what itā€™s worth as either alignment I wasnā€™t planning on going very hard this game

Iv been getting a little burnt out so like, I mostly planned to focus on my enjoyment this game

Not sure if that changes your read on me but

I also said that I was gonna write this overnight yesterday


/vote pkr @aelin @astand
time to do this

Oh, and Marshalā€™s annoyances with being wolfread for her treatment of Marl are blown out of proportion in a way I consider wolfy. Iā€™d expect v!Marshal to roll with the punches more, rather than AtE to hell and back and complain how one misread is shoving her into the PoE.


Also, about Amiā€™s conduct; I struggle to believe a villager replaces in before EoD and places an immediate vote with no context on one of the top wagons, who is also likely V. If youā€™re a villager, you care about who gets yeeted, because you want to vote wolves. As wolf, you have fewer reasons to give a damn unless your partnerā€™s on the block.

Ami defaulting to a selfvote and then voting a random top wagon with no explanation is wolfy, because it shows no real solving thought process behind the vote. The argument ā€œAmi would want to be voting someone regardless of alignmentā€ is flawed, because town!Ami would want to be voting a wolf, and there is no way Ami had a real scumread on Eli so soon after replacing in. Ami doesnā€™t even try to prove they have a real read there.

Town!Ami would also be more likely to just follow the consensus, considering they have no time to read the game. Ami not voting CRich is actually bad in this context, because it looks like Ami wanted to vote against consensus on purpose. And prioritizing making your vote look spicier over voting a wolf (or at least, the person the village thinks is a wolf / is policy yeeting / whatever) is a wolf mindset. Itā€™s not like Ami has a real scumread on Eli, there is simply no way.

I donā€™t really care which one we flip.

Signal boosting this. Explanations are in the post.

/vote PKR @Aelin

Btw v! is how they play as village and w! is how they play as wolf right?

Also i want to let PKR explain before i vote him


/vote lol @Aelin

i think we should quickhammer pkr

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