Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

If I had to order my townreads, it would be something like min=Mistyx > Arctic > Hippo > Eli > Derps in order from towniest to least towny.

I recognize the fact Blizer has been extremely productive since replacing in.

Zori would be equal to Arctic but rip Zori :frowning:

lol is a weird ass slot from what ive read tbh.

Hes thought process and reads are kind of against the thread (The Appel read before Min outted Marl is the most damning and wolfy read i feel like out of all his reads imo, and is one that hurts his case.)

This is lol’s “Towncore” on d1, and i think before Crich replaced in

lol was wolf reading Appel and Marsh around this time.

So take that as you will here

Im gonna look at Marsh and lol interaction from these past days

@lol why did you vote me here
RVS was over i’m p sure

also why did you put marl in your towncore here
i don’t think you mentioned marl before this

@vulgard can you explain why you decided appel actually did have a villagery d1 conveniently right after she died

all right

lol was wolf reading marsh for all of day 1 and a significant amount of day 2, but flipped the read into town

lol had a wolf team of Hippo/Marl/Pkr/Vulgard in relation to his wolfteam

also hard defended my slot (Bluelance/Ami) while i was vacant, so thats something i noticed aswell.

Progression on the read was bad and flip aswell

im Fine with lol being in PoE and being a potential yeet today if people do change their minds on PKR (But i dont think that will happen)

magic 8 ball says lets kill blizer

ill explain later im gamin rn

Did lol mention marl after that read lol?

I said lol twice :joy_cat:

Which read specifically?

If you mean his day 2 wolf team, then yes it is.

I meant this

That was Day 1 I believe and i think that may have been around the time of the Marl/Chloe thunderdome

I read her ISO again overnight, much like everyone else’s. The timing is coincidental. Besides, I’m not sure how this would make me a wolf even if it was planned.

I wanna know how lol mentioned/interacted with marl before marl got outed as wolf

Me a bit lazy

Hold on 1 sec

Kill marshal?