Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

personally i’d like lol, but

why do u think lol is bad

  1. his tone is horrendous
    he claims it’s common for him but i don’t buyi t
  2. he has made like 0 good pushes
  3. he doesn’t make any sense

2 and 3 are basically the same things

second part isn’t necessarily wolfy though

i think lol sounds pretty natural for the most part but the problem is he’s done nothing villagery and so it’ll always be poe

i am probably looking into this too much but i don’t think this is how a villager would respond to something like this
it looks more like she’s trying to justify doing this as a wolf by making it seem like a less scummy thing to do by saying its scumminess comes from being a dumb lyric rather than being said by a wolf
there is no reassurance here that she is actually a villager


its literally a weezer lyric tho

i feel like i’ve hardly done anything today and a villager flip today is just gonna make it feel worse
i don’t think i can justify keeping PKR in this game because of the way he’s playing
i can just hope if he’s a villager that he realizes being petty like this isn’t going to achieve anything

idk i just feel like you’re shifting the reason for it being a mean thing to do if ur a wolf to something else to make you feel better

u also didn’t say it was scummy just that it was evil

i can tell that thread is turning around on me but i’m too busy to care atm
i’m gonna go ham on the defense if the time comes tho
I think this game can be very easily PoEd but we simply cannot afford a misyeet on me

I don’t think it was ‘pure evil’

chloe probably found it funny and would find it funny even if it was wolf

I wasn’t even gonna ping her initially, I only did it cuz i thought she’d find it funny
regardless of alignmemt i’d do that

yeah i said the post was evil if ur a wolf, but now i realize your response is something a wolf would say

i think thread is turning on you because your today has been pretty bad in all honesty
you aren’t treating the PKR push in an open minded way and you’re doing the same thing with eli/pkr that you did with marl/crich

i think it’s very possible u are killed tomorrow if pkr flips villager

how tf is it something a wolf would say
it’s a joke

don’t ‘yo katze’ this my guy

i don’t know what that means

i just explained why it’s something a wolf would say
even jokes or stuff people don’t really mean can still hint at their alignment

Yo katze

I feel like this might have been a joke post

But also i feel like there’s some truth behind every joke and I just got pinged by this

So can you tell me the rationale behind this post?

oh yeah that lmao

not every joke

I pinged chloe on a joke i thought she would find funny

it’s not ‘pure evil’ and i’m not hypothetically deflecting that ‘pure evil’ joke because it’s not something I find bad faith

I promise you that i do that regardless of alignment. If i am mafia and speaking to you right now I would still do this as town. if I am town and speaking to you right now i’d still do this as mafia.

Get better reasoning baby
