Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp


its 4am

I think itā€™s truly inane how you attack my gamesense acting like itā€™s looking unlikely that I die yet iā€™m clearly panicked about dying.

Not much has changed since your read
your one read doesnā€™t dictate how likely I think it is that iā€™m going to die.

My gamesense comes as a perspective of thread as a whole. Not your one read. You are not the thread (even if you are, like, 1/8th of it)

I can tell iā€™m going to have to fight for my life and the people who I think are on my side have been overall much quiter. mist, min, atlas, all arenā€™t really posting a ton and are generally low-impact.

Iā€™m gonna have to go ham to live and win this game and itā€™s gotta all come from me. Itā€™s not ā€˜overblownā€™. After my play d1 and how I mishandled my reads I really really want to win this game.

Marlā€™s already probably being a jackass in deadchat talking about how he pocketed me. Specchat is probably going all ā€˜LW with green rolecard xdā€™ on me.

Iā€™m not gonna go out with a miselim in an embarassing fashion. Itā€™s not happening.

now i have to go and do things
like I said, busy
iā€™ll be back at some point


anyone know blizer meta? mistyx case is outing or just kinda meh?

i can see where mist is getting to but im not really sold on it. + i actually believe in my read on pkr instead of simply having hippo in poe

itā€™s not unlikely u die
itā€™s unlikely u die for the reasons which i stated earlier
i donā€™t know if you even understand that the point of them was not to be actual reads, but to trigger a response from you (which they clearly did lmao)

i realized that i would be needing to have a one on one with you at some point because yes, you do have a very real chance of dying

what is ur read on pkr

is he being petty? i feel like ive been much more petty if weā€™re doing that this game


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serial killer

go to sleep

I understand that, iā€™m justifying my response

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pkr and lol have both been varying degrees of insufferable and its made me village read both of them more

this is a forum of lies moment


this is why arctic is lock villager

i mean you arenā€™t playing deliberately in an anti-town way out of annoyance for being misread

like i guarantee you if we started policying people for being annoying the wolf sweep rate would go up to like 50% of games

why do u always say this after random posts which donā€™t even mean anything

his play in the past 2 hours legitimately always comes from a villager to the point where I am more confident in his alignment being town than my own

I know for sure iā€™ve read his posts but thereā€™s always an astronomically small chance I misread my card that 1 time and never bothered to check a 2nd time

iā€™m calling you insufferable