Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

theres a nightkill so its 10 people alive tomorrow

Yes, which means 6 more villagers gotta go

Opposed to if a villager dies today, then nightkill 10 alive, wolves only need to kill 4 to win


9v3, 6 villagers need to die, wolves get half of those as nightkills
8v2 is the same


That is the point

You said the difference is one more villager needs to die, the difference is two

i think we are overestimating the magnitude of todays elimination

i for one have a pretty decent towncore

it’s the same amount that need to die

It is basic math

so you’re a fella smella

no its not

9v2 is one more villager needs to die than 9v3

its literally wrong!!

no we aren’t

2 wolves mean 4 people alive = win

3 wolves mean 6 people alive = win

Two players difference

half of the living players are wolves though

so its 2 villagers alive vs 3 villagers alive

why does this even matter


Yeah this is kinda pointless huh

Oh well, basically a wolf would want to stay alive much more than a villager would to shift the sides in their favor

That’s wrong though

Different players play in different ways

Marshal is someone who would emphasize this as both alignments

How am i supposed to know that?