Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

why would I

it hurts the alignments equally for a member of theirs today

you could vaguely argue i’m a wolf pr but every wolf is pr and regardless of which pr dies the team of 2 will still be the same

because i just told you

we have what realistically 5 lynches? we hit someone in the first 4 no problem
could have 6 if they are in good order

most people have lists of around the same ammount
just pick and choose. games looking pretty good for us i think

i think we should summon PKR to do something

pkr wake up we are talking about you
pkr is a fart smella
pkr is are have the gay

Im not gonna accept something that someone just tells me is true about a person i never met before

we have three.

do you agree that different people would handle this differently at least

i don’t believe this is real

besides marshal linked her doing this as villager earlier so idk what your point is

I haven’t seen anyone in my personal experience get super worked up about living beside marsh and richard

and that was 3 people remaining, where one wrong move = loss

lol how on earth could you think we have 5 lynches???

nvm lol my brain went 12v3


im taking a break

i’m going to sleep

i just woke up dont bully me. on the other hand go to sleep

Ima go play video games

aw i killed the thread


/vote blizer @Aelin