Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

it took me 5 minutes to decipher this

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Not doing anything? What do you seriously mean?
Iā€™ve made reads, Iā€™ve expanded on them.
Heck, when even Hip (Who I scumread) asked me to expand on some stuff and explain them, I did so too.

Whenever people say that Iā€™m not doing anything it just makes me want to AFK and actually do nothing instead of trying a bit.

Iā€™m not only AtEā€™ing. Iā€™m doing more than that.
But I guess not.
I wish you werenā€™t lock town due to being a PR so that you could be sussed for being so nonchalant when considering me.
Yet eh, at least youā€™re not potential ML bait when people look at those who wagoned me.


Sorry about thatā€¦ justā€¦ it fucking sucks.
When people say I do nothing, then thatā€™s what I end up wanting to do.
But itā€™s just soā€¦ anti-town that I canā€™t. Then that makes me sad.
So I just naturally AtE and it makes me look scummy.
Then I get pushed on and crack under pressure, trying to weakly defend myself to no avail.
It makes things worse and then I justā€¦ fail.

I end up feeling useless and that everything I do is wrong.
Itā€™s a spiral with no real upside

And please donā€™t use that post to bias your read on me in any way.
Thatā€™s not why I made it.
I wanted to explain the truth, not trying to AtE but to be genuine :slight_smile:
Iā€™d much prefer if people donā€™t read into it too much but just acknowledge that this shit donā€™t work despite me trying to get something to.


not sure if this comes too close but like

you donā€™t want AtE involved in people reading you, right?

why these posts specifically? you have kind of AtEā€™d a lot

I made them because I understand where other people are coming from where it comes to me.
And Iā€™m trying to explain what I think others think about me and what I think about myself.
By trying to look outwards I can sorta reflect inwards and understand the situation maybe a bit more than I would otherwise.

not why you made them

why you donā€™t want people factoring those in

I wonā€™t use them agaunst you lol Iā€™d just rather not um someome wish for me to not be a pr solely for the reason of it being easy to sus me because its pretty known how genuinely upset I get defending myself and idk if u meant that or not but

I havent noticed like anything from u thatd why I said it because all it doing is this . Whatever it is

My feet are ice cold

Might vote bliz

I definitely did not mean for it in a way to upset you min, you know I care for you lots as a friend. I was just meaning to say that once I flip (which is likely today) those who arenā€™t semi-confirmed in some way are probably going to be looked over and reevaluated. Yourself and Mist simply are PRs so you probably wonā€™t be looked at as potential mafia on me, whereas others will be. Itā€™s nothing to be held against you in the end.

Iā€™m just kinda feeling meh and not really explaining it well.

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I donā€™t know, I just donā€™t want it to be thought that Iā€™m town because Iā€™m AtEā€™ing and doing this all on purpose. So Iā€™d rather it be ignored. Because it just makes me feel bad when Iā€™m trying to say the truth and itā€™s just summed as AtE.

/vote bliz @Aelin

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Blizer Mistyx, lol, min 3/7
PokemonKidRyan Vulgard, Marshal 2/7
lol EliThePsycho 1/7
Hippoyeetus PokemonKidRyan 1/7
Not voting Atlas, Blizer, SirDerpsAlot, Arctic, Hippoyeetus 5

Ping me for new votes and incorrect votes
Day ends at 2021-06-06T16:00:00Z
If you donā€™t make it to post minimum two times in the game im modkilling you

Misty is trustworthy for plenty of reasons and I idk Iā€™m Iā€™m feeling cringe rn

mist is the confirmed vig soooo

I know

itā€™s a good thing iā€™m trustworthy

The flowers I got for u are nonrefundable so Iā€™m kinda committed to hanging you now :grimacing: