Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

will b doingstuff for a few hours brb

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
PokemonKidRyan Vulgard, min, Marshal 3/7
lol EliThePsycho 1/7
Blizer Mistyx, lol 2/7
Hippoyeetus PokemonKidRyan 1/7
Not voting Atlas, Blizer, SirDerpsAlot, Arctic, Hippoyeetus 5

Ping me for new votes and incorrect votes
Day ends at 2021-06-06T16:00:00Z
If you don’t make it to post minimum two times in the game im modkilling you

im stuff

Misty town

…theyre vig. Ofc they are

Scratch that, but I ill vote bliz if you shoot pkr tonight. Either way if wolves occupy you before you can hes outed and I’ll also get a clear/red from them not occupying me instead (unless they like, kill me instead which I’m thinking is now more likely…well, actually not with doctor) so scratch that @Mistyx

Your case was really well thought out and convincing to me ^^
Also, i see marshal joycatting in thread while reading it. :joy_cat:

mist already shot

Vig is only one shot…? shit

yeah lol

How did I forget this

A bit cringe of me

Anyway yknow what. I’ll stay on pkr for today then. I think him sitting down and dying it’s pretty non ai but at this point its ridiculous and killing him gives us information regardless of what he flips

thanks min


glad to see being an IC makes me villagery


proabbly not imo i think it was a fakeclaim

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Sorry I came into thread during lost braincells day

(But seriously sorry I’ve been kinda dumb recently)

min w


dont worry about it when im arround everyone is smart


Let me work on something

A readlist will probably be nice



Light town - needs to be more active or that will lower. I had him higher after marl but I havent seen him much admittedly
towny - not only do i think marl made him towny but some of his actions and words have brought me more on the side to town eli. More independent thoughts and less of being random and not really helpful
I’m not quite sure. - Some posts I’ve found towny, some I didnt like much. Sorry this isnt super helpful
Scummy -Not planning on moving. I think when you get to a point of only ateing and then not doing anything you look incredibly antispewy and it’s not really worth it to keep you alive here
Meh - I have serious paranoia regarding this slot. The amount of ironic openwolfing shes done at this point seems a little forced the more shes done it and it keeps just making me really feel meh. I know marshal makes these jokes but some of them have gotten to the point of being awkwardly placed and cringe to me
lol - i feel like lol seems like lol which means i really dont fucking know but him wagoned quickly in contrast to marl before I outed the red on him feels like it could be put in lols favor. The quick townread and then not interacting or talking with marl could be distancing if scum. Same with the messages he sent assuming he was roleblocker. I dunno why, but I feel like messages like those are out of place for how everyone else would feel at the time.
Town obviously
Towny. Seems to have the same aggressiveness and abity to develop reads without looking agendafilled to all hell
Dont know honestly. Hippo is built different
Atlas is probably town
Sheeping mist a bit, so probably kinda scummy

I have a bit of a poe admittedly but this is something me thinks