Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

yeah i think this is wrong tbh, it doesn’t feel great

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Eli is in my wolf PoE, Vul is outside of it

Hippo is the only one i think is town there

ive stated lol/marshal/eli, with SDA and Vul just outside of these 3

lol is already in the PoE, but going through their iso and everything, the slot is just a wolf imo

That comment alone actually may switch eli and vulgard tbh

and in that case, id look at Vul/Marshal interaction if its wolf theater with each other.

And yet, I don’t :smiley:

Blizer is probably town too because I can feel this frustration.
It feels as frustrated as I feel.
But Blizer still has more fight left in them which is good.
If this happened in so many games for Blizer then they’d probably be worn down too like me.


i’ll iso bliz i guess

from just a skim I still think pkr is likelier wolf

but a wolf bliz flip is better overall imho (I can clear vulgard and at that point probably just hippo too), but im less sure of it

sheep me pkr i will be your knight in shining armor

this has nothing to do with the fact that i made a wolfcase on you

I do enjoy quite a bit how his read on me is predicated entirely on preflipping pkr v and eli wolf but then also saying eli is a weaker wolfread than me


Bro idk how I came to that lmao.

I think it’s because I was trying to joke with lol that there were 2 wolves in thread at the time and you were the only other one there. I still do think Hip could be wolf.

And, well, I think lol’s defending me lots and I’m scared. Idk if I’m being pocketed or they genuinely believe in me and what they’re doing… help.

can you walk me through what you’re hoping to accomplish with the elim today
and how exactly you’re working to put that into motion

I have some ideas about your handling of it but I want your perspective straight up

ive had you as my vote half the game i dont believe you at all

I want Hip to be eliminated today and I’m planning on maybe doing a dive on them in a bit to try and convince some of yall about them. So far I’ve made 2 smaller dives on Hip and have explained why they felt scummy to me… therefore I think they might be mafia.

My handling of it certainly isn’t the best I guess.

As for what I’m hoping to accomplish… I think it’s obvious. I want to eliminate mafia today. The ideal is either the backup or the roleblocker. I’m not really scared of the Neapolitan.

I don’t see why PKR is pushing me if they’re mafia and want to save themselves by switching onto me. In a PKR mafia world their partners probably include some of the ppl saying I’m town (bliz, vul) and that’s such bad mafia communication lol. Pkrs definitely not dead in water and I’d expect some cohesive kind of defense.

If pkrs mafia it’d be so much easier for them to vote lol for example

This is probs my last post today, cause i wont be able to be on for this last hour of EoD

/vote lol @Aelin @astand

I think lol is wolf here, and his vote on me is absolutely garbage with no progression, considering he tried to hard defend my slot the past two days atleast. This is my highest wolfread and has the highest chance of flipping wolf.

If i get yeeted here (Which is highly likely) Re-eval Vul, Marshal, and Eli, and add them into the PoE. Both Vul and Marsh have looked bad today with their approach towards differing wagons and while Eli has stated hes been busy, slot has done nothing, and contributed jack shit to game state for the past 2 days.

PoE should be imo PKR/lol/Marsh/Vul/Eli tmrw, all 5 need to be sorted

Pkr is towniest to me in it, with Vul/Marsh/Eli in a tier below, and lol with highest wolf equity out of the 5

Goodbye and goodluck town, because your gonna fucking need it

Im no longer opposed to a lol hang

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Blizer Mistyx, lol, min 3/7
PokemonKidRyan Vulgard, Marshal 2/7
lol EliThePsycho, Blizer 2/7
Hippoyeetus PokemonKidRyan 1/7
Not voting ArcticXI, Atlas, SirDerpsAlot, Hippoyeetus 4

i am fine with killing lol or pkr
don’t know if i’ll be here at eod