Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

Me neither I’m busy watching Vikings

It’s so good i strongly recommend it to anyone wanting a good show. On Amazon prime

/vote lol @Aelin @astand
i don’t have a preference between lol and PKR but i need to vote one to stop blizer dying because i think he is the most likely villager

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Blizer Mistyx, lol, min 3/7
lol EliThePsycho, Blizer, ArcticXI 3/7
PokemonKidRyan Vulgard, Marshal 2/7
Hippoyeetus PokemonKidRyan 1/7
Not voting Atlas, SirDerpsAlot, Hippoyeetus 3

57 minutes until EoD.

yeah fuck it
get lol out
this guy is never town at this point

/vote lol

/vote blizer

I think if pkr is mafia blizer is probably mafia too just off of how he’s handling it

I believe both are wolves

lol can still be wolf but overall I feel like both pkr and bliz have more going against them

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
lol EliThePsycho, Blizer, ArcticXI, Hippoyeetus 4/7
Blizer Mistyx, lol, min, Marshal 4/7
PokemonKidRyan Vulgard 1/7
Hippoyeetus PokemonKidRyan 1/7
Not voting Atlas, SirDerpsAlot 2

and why is that
dont fall for the tricks

just because im not crying about it? mafia is the one who should be shitting their pants, not me

Bliz has gone from AtEing about how no one’s evaluating outside of him/PKR/lol to saying that PKR and lol should be in the PoE after he flips


What the fuck is going on? Aaaaaaah.
I didn’t expect this turnabout at all and I feel like I’m in the wrong place but I cannot stay away.

well pkr this is your time to bang out some content

I think lol is PoE but there’s really not a ton going against him

@Arctic you said he was ‘never town’ but to be frank i do not see it at all

walk me through it

we can kill you if that feels like a better place

it’s because i haven’t made a wall yet

he has done nothing villagery
i have no reason to think the slot is town
there are lots of bad posts which looks like he’s TMI’ing crich v and he failed to explain the appel read until like a day later so it didn’t seem real

I do agree with this because his EoD was p bad

can you explain to me the good for blizer slot

like what has bliz done that is villagery