Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

its rand right now

all im gonna say is dont go spicy until you need to
that’s why ive been doing whatever
i got a good feeling about this

it’s 13 minutes from EoD and the wagons are rand

i’ll allow it

@SirDerpsAlot exist please

I just woke up I was up late af with a friend

wow he actually exists


blizer and lol are tied 4/4 who do you want to die

I don’t really know what’s going on what’s the rundown bois





I’d prefer marshal their my only like real gut scumread

But I have like 9 min so I doubt theirs a point in pushing it

/vote Lol

pkr dissapearing is very pepega

im gonna do the pkr summoning ritual

nah no need to
dont see why marshal is whiteknighting me but marshal shouldnt die before lylo
get spicy then

unga bunga

( @PokemonKidRyan )

1 Like

nah u can die but i think blizer is likelier to be mafia

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
lol EliThePsycho, Blizer, ArcticXI, Hippoyeetus, SirDerpsAlot 5/7
Blizer Mistyx, lol, min, Marshal 4/7
PokemonKidRyan Vulgard 1/7
Hippoyeetus PokemonKidRyan 1/7
Not voting Atlas 1

8 minutes remain.