Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

blizer made some walls

If Blizer flips wolf I think Derps is like

Near lock wolf here

I think Derps is wolfy regardless tbh but I think itā€™s even worse if Bliz w

i can vibe with that

Ok, so, I guess itā€™s my time to do some stuff.
Iā€™m a bit worried here.

Blizerā€™s frustration has felt so genuine and so relatable to me.
That Iā€™m struggling to see it as wolf but idk if Iā€™m being really biased or not.
And I need to try to take an outside look in rather than a personal look.

lol, idk.
Iā€™ve thought they were trying to pocket me a bit, but then lol quickly retorted that they werenā€™t at all.
I feel like theyā€™d do that as either alignment. Aaaaah

can you walk me through that?

I can potentially vibe but i want to know why

how are ties handled? cant seem to find anything on it

rand between the top wagons

thats how itā€™s done 99% of times on this site

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Mostly just

Bliz pushing Eli for not contributing while Derps, who is 7 posting, is nowhere to be found in his PoE

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itā€™s not a great look for derps but I can realistically see it from w!bliz if he just thinks derps isnā€™t a ml candidate and doesnā€™t actually care about pushing him

i think the inconsistency is a bad look for blizer regardless but iā€™m not sure it realllly spews derps w if bliz is wolfing

fair enough

donā€™t know tbh
i agrreed with him on a lot of things but he could just be sheeping me

now i want to kill pkr again

I was gonna say something on this
gimme a sec

i probably will dip in activity even less so unless you want me to completely sheep mist or something i wont be much use

down to rand it

Hi I am awake for little bit

Look, I understand that Iā€™m being weird here.
But I just am trying to understand why Blizer really appeals to my feelings of frustrationā€¦ as a wolf.
Unless they thought we might be chain killed?

Aaaa you know what Iā€™m not sure I wanna be awake anymore

Still fine with wagon based off of reaction

rand would be cringe dont do it

you know what theres not enough time and i dont care enough to find specifics but blizer has been parroting a lot of arcticā€™s reads