Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

This reads like DybuDabu logic but the general sentiment of the post is something I can get behind.


I read through all of yesterday EoD

I think Hippoā€™s is mostly fine in context apart from the post I quoted, I think it looks better in context than it did in Iso

Arcticā€™s is really good, he has no reason to randomly lead a PKR CFD as Mafia a couple minutes before EoD with lol as top wagon

(well, the reason would be ā€˜to look townā€™ but I donā€™t think Arcticā€™s play is of a level where he would go out of his way to do that rather than being like ā€˜but Iā€™ll look sus for leading a CFD onto a villagerā€™)

Derpsā€™s EoD is ā€¦ not good. he basically does not seem to care about any of the villagers up for elimination and despite supposedly wolfreading Marshal he makes no attempt to actively push there

he said earlier it was because there were like seven minutes left in the day but thatā€™s not the sort of thing I would normally expect to stop him?

Marshalā€™s EoD reminds me of a thing she told me once about how she plays scum where she said that she tries to have ā€˜villagery EoDsā€™ to look good, which kind of makes sense with her trying to CFD off lol despite not having a particularly strong read there (if she didnā€™t expect the CFD to work) but I think that take is mostly ā€˜me being tunnelledā€™ rather than actual evidence that sheā€™s Mafia

He has a very obvious reason if they are partners.


I wonder why I donā€™t think that Arctic and lol are partners


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Which Iā€™m not claiming to be the absolute truth, but itā€™s a world that warrants some level of consideration. Especially if Blizer flips V. Blizer flipping V means that the PoE most of us agreed on has been terrible and re-evaluation is needed. This is when you question slots like Arctic. If Blizer flips W, then thereā€™s less of a reason to do that, I just donā€™t like the continued insistence on defending Arctic when heā€™s one of the people whoā€™s pushed a lot of villagers.

Yeah, I know you wouldnā€™t say that because you replaced into the slot. This is for the rest of the thread.

Marshalā€™s play today tempts me to kill her instead.



does this affect your read on

just to throw out a totally random name



nice crosspost

Nice crosspost.


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me: ā€˜wow, Vul pushing me for defending Arctic and completely ignoring the fact that Marshal is defending Arctic is super :eyes: :eyes: :eyes:ā€™


Thing is, Iā€™m not ignoring it. I donā€™t like Marshalā€™s play today and canā€™t really articulate why.

no no that was my point, that right when I had that thought you brought Marshal up

in hindsight expressing that with ā€˜Vul: [blank space]ā€™ was probably bad communication

can you try?

Her play today feels largely like cruise control and sheā€™s surprisingly inflexible in her reads.

Her townread on me also feels suspiciously like a pocket so I can keep honing in on v!Blizer.


Vul is like

slightly villagery right now

I donā€™t want Vul to be a villager because I want to have been right :pensive:


I can already see what sheā€™s going to say. ā€œSo progression jumps are okay now because youā€™re doing them, but not having jumps at all is whatā€™s wolfy?ā€

Context is key. The only ā€˜progression jumpā€™ case I have made this game was one against Marshal on day 2 when she solidified her townread on Marl at the perfect time to throw some heat off him. Progression jumps are not okay when they look like they were done to advance the wolf agenda. Same reason why I understand wolfreading me for swapping my PKR read. Though, in that case, I present to you:

ā€œWhy did I flip my read on PKR to begin with, if heā€™s a free misyeet and I can just sheep Arctic, regardless of Arcticā€™s alignment?ā€

Not having jumps and poor re-evaluation are hallmarks of wolves who donā€™t want to change the status quo if the game is headed into a wolf win.

Iā€™ve never been complimented more in my entire life.

And my main worry about Marshal at the moment is that she is super insistent on Arctic and Eli being town, even when the gamestate is shifting. The reason Iā€™m insistent on Hippo being town is that heā€™s been consistently villagery, and Iā€™ve tried to keep showing that.

My Atlas townread is mostly based on my estimate of Atlasā€™s experience; a player with Atlasā€™s level of experience making reads with no hedging and having a high postcount is >>>rand V. It might be a bad idea to clear them for that if they are more experienced than I think, or if theyā€™ve been coached in wolfchat, but I donā€™t see a good reason to think Atlas is a wolf in isolation. You could argue ā€œAtlas is a wolf for not contributing much,ā€ but really, the high number of posts and having actual reads that arenā€™t hedgy are major V tells for someone at a low experience level.

Areteā€™s getting villagerier, by the way.