Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp


in my experience that’s not true because inactives are generally easier to push (regardless of alignment)

but your thought process makes sense as a thing to think

If someone’s constantly posting you can find several flaws in their arguement to use against them

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
SirDerpsAlot Marshal, Vulgard, Mistyx 3/6
Blizer Atlas, EliThePsycho 2/6
Marshal SirDerpsAlot, Hippoyeetus 2/6
Vulgard Arete 1/6
Arete ArcticXI 1/6
Not voting Blizer 1

If someone’s silent your only attack is “silent”

Which pretty much proves nothing

If someone’s silent their only defense is also silence tho


Frozen Wolfs exist aswell

I mean then they can defend themselves

By just getting on

And just talking

Frozen means more so in terms of their progression compared to the current gamestate aswell though

it doesnt need to be totally not talking, more so, not contributing anything in terms of the current gamestate that helps to advance it further.


Atlas, who do you most want to execute today, and why?

shoot I just realized the dining hall closes in 14 minutes

see you in a bit


a wolf, most preferably

this game is cancelled


okay but like

who do you think is a wolf

or if that’s not an angle that works for you

who do you think is town

who is left over when you take that out

Well i’ll make a list ig
Confirmed PR’s are obv town, me
Vul, Arctic, Hippo
everyone else im sus of

So I got 6 people I think are town

Which leaves Marshal, You, Derps, and Eli