Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

Actually im missing a person

Who got replaced out of that list?

Who did blizer replace?

youā€™re missing Blizer

the issue with your list is that youā€™re counting 2 people as PRs and then also have a claimed PR in your next tier

Blizer replaced Ami who replaced BlueLance

Who claimed PR?

I was asleep

Mist is vig claim
Arctic is doc claim

how did you know that two people had claimed PR?

why would he do that

Marshal kept being like ā€˜hey Arctic (who is the doctor), I sure know that you are the doctorā€™

That just makes me more sus of marshal

How would they know that?

Only way I see that happening was either completely hunting the doctor to see who it was for no reason, or neopolitation

she says that she saw some posts from Arctic in the early game that looked PRlike

starting here if you want to backread

why would you be hunting for pr doc?

and if you did figure it out why would you announce it?

ask Marshal not me

@Marshal Care to explain?


in your opinion are you better, as a wolf, at coming up with villagery-sounding fake reads [not ā€˜villagery in the sense of pushing wolves,ā€™ but ā€˜villagery in the sense that the reasoning behind them is villageryā€™] or at faking a villagery point-of-view in general

Faking Villagery Point of View imo