Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp



I got dinner quickly, so Iā€™ll be gone for a bit

yes but i find this funny because thatā€™s how i wood describe you tbh

why didi say wood lmaoo

can i go to sleep instead


explain why you think Vul is a villager beyond ā€˜he has written a handful of minimally acceptable posts that display something resembling solvingā€™

it doesnā€™t need to be like a super lengthy explanation or anything, just enough for me to see where your head is at

this is villagery and itā€™s the same reason why everyone (i think) started townreading wazza at eod
heā€™s pointing out discrepancies in a way thatā€™s unlikely to come from a wolf because he isnā€™t actually using it to blatantly push blizer but simply point out why itā€™s contradictory

like itā€™s been carried out very objectively
and iā€™d like to say it reminds me of something iā€™d do

I mean thatā€™s not a very charitable interpretation of the reads i gave you but not really

okay so I donā€™t know how to say this nicely but what Iā€™m getting from this is that you have a very strange idea of what is and isnā€™t villagery

this was to Arctic not Marshal


i could probably find a bunch of other reasons heā€™s town if this doesnā€™t satisfy you but i think u should case him because iā€™m much better at saying why peopleā€™s reads are bad than actually giving my own

pointing out contradictory things (particularly if Blizer is a villager) is very easy to do as a wolf because the level of depth of thought required to notice ā€˜these two things contradictā€™ is not very high, itā€™s an easy thing to notice

not directly pushing Blizer on it is not villagery because ā€¦ most wolves donā€™t go in guns blazing all the time with hyperaggressive pushes? and heā€™s pretty clearly still using it to shade Blizer by suggesting that it doesnā€™t make sense from a villagerā€™s PoV

I can probably find examples of him doing it in previous scumgames, not because I remember him doing it as scum but because it would shock me if he never had

So if you were to ask me, the most optimal yeet order looks like Derps ā†’ Atlas ā†’ Blizer ā†’ Arete.

Both Atlas and Derps are only in one world that is never real. Same with Blizer, for that matter.

If Derps and Atlas are both misses, then the team is exactly Arete/Eli/Blizer and we lose the game. Itā€™s an unlikely world, because Areteā€™s been butting heads with Blizer this entire day, and because Eli busvoted on lol on day 3 when he didnā€™t have a real reason to do so. Especially since the PKR alternative, the only V wagon in a Blizer/Eli/Arete world, was right there, waiting for him. Not to mention, the fact Blizer couldā€™ve just cased Marshal and voted Marshal instead of signal boosting a wagon on his partner. You could argue the desperation point (either Blizer flips, or lol flips, and it looks good for the other), but the fact lol didnā€™t self-pres on Blizer makes it less likely (since I presume it wouldā€™ve been more coordinated were it to actually happen, and them voting each other looks better and makes the plan more likely to work). You could still argue this world being real, I just find it unlikely enough for the odds to be good enough.

If Atlas and Blizer are misses, itā€™s Arete/Derps/Eli. That world is super unlikely, because it implies both of lolā€™s partners decided to bus them at EoD3 for no reason. They had two village alternatives at the time - Blizer and PKR - making it even more unlikely. I read Blizerā€™s argument about Eli not being there at EoD, but if Eli wasnā€™t there at EoD, that supports my argument. Eli isnā€™t the type of player to random busvote a partner and then dip before EoD unless itā€™s the wolvesā€™ strategy to bus said partner. Derps is a busser, but I see no reason for them to coordinate a bus there, when Blizer/PKR are both easy V options and they wonā€™t catch heat for either.

If Derps and Blizer are misses, itā€™s Arete/Atlas/Eli. However, I find this unlikely as well. In that world, Eli busses lol alone for no reason at EoD3 when his thread position is already good regardless, and Atlas does nothing. Lolslot did townread both Eli and Atlas a fair bit, and Arete townreads them too, but still. This is also a world where Arete hard wolfsides for the entirety of today, pushing exclusively villagers and at no point wolfreading their actual teammates. This endangers their team if they flip, and they would know this unless they think they can powerwolf alone (they sure as hell are not powerwolfing through this with Eli and Atlas as their teammates, Iā€™m sorry). This is the option I have the fewest counterarguments for.

If we plow through Derps/Atlas/Blizer and only one of them is V, Arete is still a better yeet than Eli. This is disregarding me thinking they are mafia here.

Derps/Atlas W: if Eli is the third, itā€™s a team thatā€™s been useless the whole game. You can think itā€™s still possible and weā€™ve all been idiots, but itā€™s been a long time since I saw an entire wolfteam actively doing nothing, and I find it implausible for that reason.

Derps/Blizer W: if Eli is the third, Ami (Blizer slotā€™s predecessor) decided to cast a bussing vote as their only contribution to the game, at a rare time when Eli still had some chance of going over. Itā€™s also a world where Eli hasnā€™t tried to help Blizer at all while he was strugging to survive. You can think itā€™s still possible and Eliā€™s been trying to cruise to endgame, but I doubt it to some extent.

Atlas/Blizer W: if Eli is the third, Ami (Blizer slotā€™s predecessor) decided to cast a bussing vote as their only contribution to the game, at a rare time when Eli still had some chance of going over. Itā€™s also a world where Eli hasnā€™t tried to help Blizer at all while he was strugging to survive. You can think itā€™s still possible and Eliā€™s been trying to cruise to endgame, but I doubt it to some extent.


Derps/Atlas W: if Arete is the third, Arete bussed. However, Areteā€™s spending much more time pushing me and Blizer than pushing Derps, Derps is a shrugyeet for them. This is partner indicative, especially so if Derps and Atlas both flip W, since Arete engaged with Atlas and has been trying to defend them today.

Derps/Blizer W: if Arete is the third, Arete both bussed and hard distanced with Blizer today. However, Areteā€™s spending much more time pushing me and Blizer than pushing Derps, Derps is a shrugyeet for them. This has partner potential.

Atlas/Blizer W: if Arete is the third, Arete tried to distance with one partner while defending the other, and push both Vul and Derps as the designated misyeets to win the game. Seems like a legitimate wolf plan to me.

Ultimately, though, the decision between Arete/Eli is strongly colored by my individual wolfread on Arete and you should decide between them yourselves once we get to that point.

itā€™s more likely to come from a villager because villagers are actively seeking discrepancies whereas wolves are less likely to notice things like this because theyā€™re likely to assume that the villager theyā€™re talking about (letā€™s say blizer is a villager) is not going to have an inconsistent train of thought

okay so Iā€™m going to be honest I didnā€™t read all of that but from the part I read Iā€™m pretty sure youā€™re including some ā€˜if we yeet x and y and theyā€™re both vā€™ which is an issue because if we yeet two villagers we lose

I am now an insanely obvious villager and Arete still denying it is the wolfiest thing about their play today.

All three ways we yeet two villagers and lose there imply worlds I all find unlikely for reasons I give in the post.

you could make the argument that wolf vulgard would be trying to seek out discrepancies here, but with the way he handled it itā€™s clear there was no agenda because he didnā€™t use it to proximally push blizer