Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

/vote SirDerpsALot @Aelin

this is from like five minutes of searching

you could argue that heā€™s using it to push Calculus and I think thatā€™s true, but heā€™s ā€¦ also using the thing you pointed out earlier to push Blizer? like when he was trying to refute my arguments in favor of Blizer being a villager he repeatedly brought up the fact that Blizerā€™s perspective didnā€™t make sense

actually wait I reread that quote and I think I misread it the first time (the one I just quoted)

I think Vulgard is deliberately repping a confident scumread on me while pushing elsewhere so that when he flips Mafia we look partnered

no vulgard is just obviously town
the walls man
the walls

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
SirDerpsAlot Marshal, Vulgard, Mistyx 3/6
Blizer Atlas, EliThePsycho 2/6
Marshal SirDerpsAlot, Hippoyeetus 2/6
Vulgard Arete 1/6
Arete ArcticXI 1/6
Not voting Blizer 1

Uh this looks correct
Ping me for new votes and incorrect votes

i already had you as voting them so uh i mightve missed something who knows

alr vul imma be honest

your posting is fine but youā€™re not ā€˜obvious villagerā€™, at least not to me (maybe you think arete should be able to identify you cuz of soulreadz or smthn but thatā€™s not the point)

do you mind casing yourself?
I think your plans are fine and dandy (peeeersonally Iā€™m a bit worried about eli wolf and I also would shift atlas further to the back of the elimn pool) but like

I canā€™t really in good faith go along with it when I donā€™t see it
arctic if you want to pitch in and help me out then feel free

do you think that wallposts are at all village-AI for him, because that one doesnā€™t require more than a couple minutes of work to disprove

no but i think the content in them is village AI

you can tell very clearly that none of these posts have TMI and with how genuine and fluid they are i donā€™t see this guy being a wolf any more

arete is right that vul can wall as wolf, heā€™s in my eyes capable of faking endgame plans that are winning for him (and also him shifting arete to the back isā€¦ ??? I know worldbuilding and all but he had arete as ā€˜lock mafia and if i try to take it back im wolfā€™ and now it feels like heā€™s trying to put the dome stuff off)

I think heā€™s villagerier than arete by a mild margin here but I donā€™t think heā€™s really out of a wolf range
I guess iā€™ll see what he says though, my mind is open to giving him more credz

once again I question whether youā€™re actually reading the game

well i read the post

I have read all of his posts and nearly every single one of them was static and bad

thatā€™s maybe the wrong way to phrase it

then case him
saying no to my reads isnā€™t going to convince me

I am working on it

shockingly it takes time to case someone

go and do that then and switch off the sass while ur at it


thatā€™s a no to not being sassy
